Thursday, June 25, 2020



End-Time Episodes 6- Part 2

This episode features the following:
- Lab-Engineering a Coronavirus
- “These Researchers Risk Creating a Monster Germ (Virus) that Could Escape”
- In Wuhan Dr. Anthony Fauci hires the Bat Woman
- Prayer for Protection and Salvation

We’ve all seen movies where we’ve marveled at the wonderful deeds and moral character of the films hero, but who we later discovered to be the real villain…
It has been reported in several journals of science that Coronavirus originated in the wild from animals. Perhaps a pig, a mouse, or a bat. But there’s a problem with this line of reasoning, mostly because our immune system is quite robust in fighting off these animal viruses. Our first line of defense is our skin, our mucosa, and strong chemicals in our stomach. If a virus manages to get past the outer defenses then we have swarms of fighter cells that can detect and surround the enemy virus and if these fail, our special opt T-cells and B-cells go to work and destroy the invader. So in the natural evolution of the process, a cross-species transmission would be highly unlikely, that is, a bat coronavirus in the natural could not enter the human body and cause contagion or fatal infection.

(BTW, Fort Dietrich is the U.S. major facility for stockpiling bioweapons)
Lab-Engineering a Coronavirus
The improbability of a cross-species animal to human spill-over was a challenge for Dr. Anthony Fauci. For many years he conducted experiments on viruses at the Fort Dietrich, North Carolina, and Wisconsin labs. If it was a coronavirus lab experiment, they would grow the virus in various animal tissues and then put it into a petri dish with human lung tissue. The technique would produce a novel virus strain with capacity to infect humans and be easily transmissible, and super virulent (lethal). The process for this type of experimentation is called ‘gain of function’, which means manipulating viruses in the lab to explore the potential to infect humans. So why would anyone want to delve into such extremely dangerous experimentation? Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. suggests it would be to create a bioweapon, “but more likely it would be to create a vaccine, something that Dr. Anthony Fauci has been experimenting with for years,” he said.
“These Researchers Risk Creating a Monster Germ (Virus) that Could Escape”

Fauci’s studies and experimentation with the dangerous viruses he was creating alarmed scientists around the world. Many of them started complaining way back in December of 2017 saying, “These researchers risk creating a monster germ that could escape the lab and seed a pandemic.” (NY Times)
But going further back, in October 2014, following a series of federal laboratory mishaps that narrowly missed releasing these deadly engineered viruses, President Obama ordered the halt to all federal funding for Fauci’s dangerous experiments. After the incident, worried about potential threats to public health, Obama ordered the experimentation to halt, but that didn’t stop Dr. Fauci. If he couldn’t carry out his lab experiments with the controversial viruses in U.S. labs, then he’d go abroad. And guess where he went? Fauci moved the whole virus experimentation program to Wuhan, China. There Fauci’s organization, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, gave the Wuhan lab scientists 3.7 million to continue with the ‘gain of function’ virus research.

In Wuhan Dr. Anthony Fauci hires the Bat Woman

Dr. Shi Zhengli, is a Chinese virologist who researches SARS-like coronaviruses of bat origin (see Wikipedia). This may sound shocking because she seems like a nice lady, but since 2010 she’s been concentrating all her efforts to finding the capacity for coronavirus transmission across species; in this case her ‘gain of function’ research involved the manipulation of viruses in the lab to explore the potential to infect humans, which is what ‘gain of function’ means. And guess what, she succeeded; she literally unearthed the passageway for coronaviruses into human bodies. And we’re not talking about the mild type of virus to inoculate us and make us immune to the disease. The coronavirus bats carry are harmless for the bat creatures, but deadly for humans.

And guess who hired and funded Dr. Shi Zhengli to find a way for humans to be infected with coronavirus? It was Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Yes, this is the man who stands next to President Donald Trump during televised speeches and who many believe will save the world from Coronavirus.

Prayer for Protection and Salvation
Dear God, your word says there is no weapon formed against us
that shall prosper. Do not allow this pathogen to come against me
or my family or loved ones---let your angels stand strong around
us and let them shield us from any of the Coronavirus’ fiery darts
of affliction or contamination. I’m calling out to you
in my moment of need and ask you to come quickly to my
rescue and salvation. I know you can rescue my health and body
from COVID-19, but more important to me is that you will preserve my soul,
so that after my earthly life, you will grant me to live and exist
joyfully and eternally in your heavenly Kingdom with you and all of my loved ones.

God Bless and keep you safe,
Carlos A. Cedillo

If you know of anyone who could benefit from this message,
please pass it on.

See link below to see all the END-TIME EPISODES.