Tuesday, September 8, 2020





In the previous END-TIME EPISODES I’ve expounded on the numerous Revelation scenarios that are presently unfolding around the global COVID-19 crisis. We’ve covered Microsoft’s new patented 060606 platform and its various facets correlating to Revelation 13:14-18, and I don’t want to omit a very important activity that’s revealed in verse 14. In this space it points to a likeness or a type of effigy that would be erected or set up, and it’s called the “image of the beast”. It goes on to say that life was given to this image, and also the ability to speak or talk. John wrote the book of Revelation around 60 A.D., but in this narrative he’s been given a prophetic revelation of the future such as the time we’re living in right now. So if we translate this image into the context of the year 2020, it sounds to me like some kind of modern technology, perhaps an A.I. (artificial intelligence). According to Revelation this would be an A.I with vested authority to control all financial transactions and commerce on a global scale, and powerful enough to extinguish anyone who would not honor or show it the loyalty it would demand from the citizens of the world.


Is this conspiracy theory? No, this is prophetic truth straight from the book of Revelation given to John 2,080 years ago---to be applied to a future generation that would fit the criteria of the end-time events he disclosed. And today with the present pandemic and its toxic all-encompassing and all-intrusive technology, we are witnessing the first stages of what John tried to warn us about. He saw it coming long ago, and now it’s here. I pray we will not shrug off the warning and just continue to chill out with backyard barbecues and movies, resuming a “back to normal” mode without investigating the current dreadful events. If we have understanding of the Coronavirus storm around us, clarity as to the why, the reasons, and purpose behind the scenes, it will ease your mind. Knowing the truth will set you free from any fear, worry, or anxiety you may be experiencing and you’ll be able to face the future standing on much more solid ground.   



Elon Musk, billionaire, and CEO of a number of large enterprises, illustrated the

amazing ability of A.I. to grow its knowledge, saying “the rate of improvement is exponential.” An example of this he said is the AlfaGo A.I. computer program which after a few weeks of practice was able to beat European champion Lee Sedol in the complex game of Go 4 out of 5 times, then went on to beat the current world champion, then beating them and other Go champions simultaneously. Then along came a newer version the A.I. program called AlfaGo Zero, and after only three days of self-playing defeated its previous version AlfaGo by 100 games to zero. By combining a neural network with powerful search algorithms this A.I. can teach itself.  https://deepmind.com/blog/article/alphago-zero-starting-scratch


Elon Musk also warns of the dangers that lie ahead with A.I. In a tweet he warned that A.I. could be more dangerous than nuclear weapons. “With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon,” he said. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2014/10/24/elon-musk-with-artificial-intelligence-we-are-summoning-the-demon/

Something else he said that caught my attention is his estimation of how fast A.I. is advancing. He broke down all previous estimates with the following statement: "We’re headed toward a situation where A.I. is vastly smarter than humans and I think that time frame is less than five years from now. But that doesn’t mean that everything goes to hell in five years. It just means that things get unstable or weird." https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/elon-musk-artificial-intelligence-ai-singularity-a9640196.html




Elon Musk’s prediction of how soon A.I. will reach the human level of intelligence may well be pointing to the initial appearance of the Image of the Beast and its advanced neuromorphic computing ability to not only mimic human logic, but to go beyond the human knowledge threshold. Likewise Ray Kurzweil sets the date of Singularity for 2026. (The singularity is that point in time when all the advances in technology, particularly in artificial intelligence (AI), will lead to machines that are smarter than human beings)   

     There’s a specific time reference for the appearance of the Image of the Beast on Earth and interestingly enough it’s Jesus himself who reveals the timing (Matthew 24: 15-21). He calls the image ‘the abomination of desolation’ and it surely will be just that, an abomination, as it will be the most horrific idol ever designed and they’ll set it up right in the middle of the temple. There have been two Jewish temples in the past, all destroyed, so this is speaking of a third temple and it will most likely be the Antichrist who will authorize it’s construction.




Okay, all that was just the entrĂ©e now comes the main dish, Microsoft’s supercomputer and the big enchilada question; is this supercomputer going to evolve into the ominous talking image that will one day soon be standing in the 3rd temple of Jerusalem demanding that all the world worship it?

     I know I’ve been saying that MS’s supercomputer will be the Image of the Beast, but is there any proof of that? Shouldn’t we be hearing about it or seeing something giving an indication of an illustrious computer getting trained and groomed for the job?

     Actually the Antichrist and his program are not going to make an expected entry. Its complexity is enormous and it’s going to come at us from several directions—its mechanisms will be deceptive and some of us may not even recognize its strange activities and systems as the hand of the Antichrist.

       But God gives us wisdom and understanding; he will not let us be deceived. Remember I mentioned Microsoft’s new Patent WO 060606 in the End-Time Episode 9 reloaded? This is what they call a Cryptocurrency Body Activity Mining platform. This program can connect to the injectable nanotechnology people will receive via the new mRNA vaccines, or your cell phone and smart devices, and then to the supercomputer that runs the WO 060606 program, and all of these interconnected to the cloud, probably the Azure cloud.

     In the following section I’ll give more detail on what body activity mining and machine learning is all about, and why I believe this body activity mining that’s being done on the 060606 program is for the training and preparation for the Image of the Beast/Microsoft’s supercomputer.




Awhile back Google hired gig economy workers to help in the build up a controversial artificial intelligence program. Their main task was to help train Google’s AI which was a program created as part of a Defense Department initiative. The process of training the AI consisted of workers doing short seemingly mindless tasks, identifying objects in CAPTCHA-like images, and other simple activities. By employing these crowdsourced microworkers, Google was able to use them (humans) to teach the (complex mathematical problems) algorithms. https://www.theverge.com/2019/2/4/18211155/google-microworkers-maven-ai-train-pentagon-pay-salary

     I know the technical jargon used here is a bit alien to some of us, but this is describing machine learning, or how AI can learn to perform complicated tasks by mimicking the learning process of the human brain. To further expound, AI is very advanced but it’s still not as intelligent and capable as the human brain. Things that seem simple to us like knowing the difference between a man walking or a man on a bicycle, understanding a TV commercial, knowing the difference in the smell of a delicious steak or a rotten egg, and even things that we do unconsciously; all these tasks can be monumental for an AI and it would need to spend days or hours trying to understand these human activities; simple for a human, but representing a huge mathematical complex problem for the AI.

     The solution: construct an AI that can learn to observe the various levels of human activity, thought, brain waves, etc.; and then mine or extract this data from humans. Hence Microsoft’s WO 060606 super AI. It’s interesting how Microsoft has its finger on both the nanotech vaccines (several of which are sponsored and financed by Bill Gates of Microsoft, and Microsoft’s Patent program WO 060606.



Dear God, we pray that you will give us

your protection from the Coronavirus and

all its technological devices which intend to

invade our privacy, rob us of our constitutional

freedoms, and deprive us of our work and

educational institutions. We also pray for peace

in our hearts and supply of all our needs for our

families, friends, and for the world. Do not allow us

to be deceived or frightened by the news media

and all their gory images of people dying and

exorbitant stats of sickness and contagion. We

know the Coronavirus is a reality but it’s detrimental

effect and stats do not reach the sky-high numbers

we see in the news. We also pray that there will be

no imposition of a mandatory law for getting the

new vaccines, especially not knowing the negative

effect the new nanotechnology vaccines could

have on us and our children.



Dr. Carrie Madej’s video on the new vaccines



God Bless and keep you safe,

Carlos A. Cedillo

If you know of anyone who could benefit from this message,

please pass it on.

See link below to see all the END-TIME EPISODES.
