Friday, December 11, 2020



The book, “Navigating the Covid-19 Storm”, will be a compilation of 16 End-Time Episodes that will go live on Amazon hopefully by the first month of 2021.

At present the Covid-19 phantom continues to rage worldwide with exorbitant amounts of cases and deaths, and it is becoming evident that Covid-19 will follow us past 2020 as it drags it’s vile toxins, and contaminants into the year 2021. Many are putting their hope in the new vaccines but are also apprehensive as to what effect these will have on them and their children. Others are dismayed to find that even after vaccination they will still have to wear their masks, follow the social distancing orders, and perhaps not feel completely safe until all 7 billion of the world’s population are vaccinated as Bill Gates suggests.

What is it about this strange viral phenomenon that has uprooted our world as we have known it, and cast us into a turbulent sea of fear, anxiety and worry about our future? Where did it come from and what mysterious powers does it possess that it could affect the entire world? There is no precedent for this, we have never had a virus, disease or economic situation that has affected every single nation and peoples of the planet as the present pandemic.

The End-Time Episodes reveal that there is a precedent to our current world crisis; I call it the God narrative or the biblical narrative. It’s going to be very frustrating and confusing for people to understand what’s going on if they don’t have the biblical narrative. Nothing is going to make sense until you do your homework and research not only the scientific side of the Covid-19 crisis, but also the biblical viewpoint. 

This may come as an unsavory surprise to many, that there would be a biblical narrative that is intertwined with the Covid-19 pandemic, and you may not even believe in God or the bible, but nevertheless the biblical text is there, mainly in the book of Revelation. You’ll be amazed by the correlation between the Covid-19 crisis and the biblical script, and pleasantly surprised at how it will help unravel the confusing mass-media data and give you clarity and understanding of the underlying Corvid mechanisms, which in turn will give you peace and hope for the future.

Carlos A. Cedillo

See link below for a sneak preview of the END-TIME EPISODES.