Tuesday, October 26, 2021


First You Create the Problem – Then You Create the Solution

Let’s corral this abusive Covid virus and put it back under the microscope and dissect it, and the whole pandemic surrounding it, and let’s see what we find.

OK, I’m beginning to see a pattern as I step back to take in the whole picture: first you create a problem and then you create a solution. In this case the problem is the Covid-19 virus; the solution is a vaccine, and through mass-media you blow up the virus into a monster-killer pathogen so contagious and mortal, that only a super vaccine can save you, and through the fear-provoking media, people will become so desperate to obtain that mRNA vaccine, they’ll even be willing to give up their freedom and choices. They’ll be willing to give up their jobs, their mobility, their kids’ education, their constitutional rights, and even accept house confinement for indefinite periods of time. And of course the elite who own the patent on these vaccines are already making billions.

Another thing that’s beginning to surface as we try to catch our breath after each dreadful newscast blaring the latest stats on Covid deaths and sicknesses, is the resemblance of an agenda. It was a vague image at the start of the Coronavirus back in 2020, but now it’s coming into focus and what we’re seeing is a dark program for depopulation and world control. You might think this is an outrageous thing to say, or that I’m just a conspiracy theorist. The fact is I’m not experimenting in a hit or miss search for this information and relying on little known or unreputable sources. I’m basing my information on the statements emitted by the prestigious Rockefeller Foundation and the richest man in the world, Bill Gates.

In May of 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation set forth what they called a scenario planning exercise (Lockstep). Basically, they simulated a pandemic that would come on the world, so deadly that extreme never before used personal health methods, would be implemented. These included mandatory use of masks, body-temperature checks before entering public areas like train-stations and supermarkets, and mandatory quarantines.

In the scenario, government leaders took a firmer grip on power. It was a preset agenda that would enhance top-down government control at every level. Was the Rockefeller scenario planning exercise an uncanny prophetic projection of what was to happen in early 2020 when the Coronavirus pandemic struck the nations? It was identical in every aspect, starting with the mandatory use of masks, house confinement, closing of businesses, and all resulting in a strict top-down government rule that robbed citizens of their liberties and freedom of expression. I would say the Rockefeller experiment was an exercise they made with deliberate planning, and then they made it happen 10 years later.

At an invitation-only Long Beach, California TED 2010 Conference, Bill Gates made the following statement, “First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really good job on the new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.” Wow, 15 percent---that’s about 1 billion. This behemoth plan if successful would employ vaccines to eradicate 1-billion people off the face of the planet.

(From Navigating the Covid-19 Storm)

Now you don’t have to accept what I say about these situations, you can do your own research and verify what I’m revealing.