Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Ukraine & Ezekiel 38 War


Will Gog of Magog Lead Russia in 2022?


This is a scary thought, but if the present Ukraine-Russian war is the prophesied war of Ezekiel 38, or the start of it, then Russia’s current president could very well be a prime candidate for the Gog position, who will eventually morph into you know who! But there’s still space before this prophetic passage matures into real-time. The presidential terms for Russia are six years, but according to cbsnews.com, Putin has already signed a law allowing him to serve 2 more terms as Russia’s president.


Gog of Magog—Lets talk a little bit more about this mysteriously dark personality. Though the name is hardly known anywhere in biblical or secular sources, we do find a brief reference to peoples during the time of Noah. But the name radically explodes in Ezekiel 38 and Revelation 20. Gog of Magog is no minute character in these prophetic books. God says he (Magog) was spoken of in old times by His prophets, and it was prophesied that He would bring this evil personality against Israel (Ezekiel 38:17).


God would be so furious at that time (against Gog), that he would cause a mighty earthquake, and that all the fishes of the sea, beasts of the field, and all men would shake at his presence, and all the mountains would be thrown down! Now that sounds like a humongous cataclysmic global event (Ezekiel 38:18,19,20)!


Apparently, this Gog thing, or whatever it or he is, will enrage God because of the evil he does or intends to do to Israel. And after studying the biblical script carefully, I’m beginning to understand that Gog of Magog is not a natural man, he is a supernatural being---a spirit being of great evil.  


This terrible truth about the nature of Gog of Magog comes to the surface in Revelation 20, verses 7 & 8.


7- When the thousand years are complete, Satan will be released from his prison,8-and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to assemble them for battle.


Notice how in these verses Satan, Gog and Magog, are one and the same. So, in effect, Gog is a demon spirit, a prince in the realm of spirit. Daniel also speaks of the prince of Persia, a demon spirit who blocked God’s answers from reaching him. It was not until the archangel Michael came to help him, that he was able to receive an important message from God.

But Gog is not just a prince of a specific land area, he has a superior title. Gog is a chief prince. Gog is Satan incarnate as the Antichrist. And of course, Gog is not limited to a specific land area. And Magog is not a certain land space, it is an unseen domain whose ruler is Gog. But these arrangements of Gog’s power and domain are soon coming to an end. Gog’s days are numbered. When he, Satan lost the battle in heaven, he was cast down to the earth and he was angry because he knew he had a very short time to carry out his final evil plans (Revelation 12:9,12)


Take note that Gog of Magog in both Ezekiel 38 and Revelation 20, though they manifest one thousand years apart, are the same evil spirit of Satan. But the latter appearance, Gog will be brought to his final end when God throws him into the lake of fire and brimstone (Revelation 20:10)