Sunday, January 7, 2024

Invitation to Join the CHILDREN OF THE ENDTIME


CHILDREN OF THE ENDTIME invites you to be an end-time missionary!


The hour is late and endtime events are moving faster than expected. The most outstanding endtime event will be the return of Jesus. However, there will be a series of catastrophic events that will precede that happy moment of Jesus’ second visit to our planet. This is why God is calling for fresh troops to come forth to be his endtime followers and declare his warning message to this last generation.

     In the first century, Jesus’ Holy Spirit empowered his disciples to go into the cities and all the world, to take his message of the gospel of salvation to every man, woman, and child.

     And today, in real-time, God’s message is one of warning. What is this warning? Well, take a look around you. The Revelation prophecies of the last times are happening right now.

     Beginning with the pandemic of 2020, then the ensuing economic crisis, the horrific deadly weather around the world, the Ukraine war, and now the Hamas-Israeli war---you’ll see how these work into the Revelation narrative. These calamities and gigantic adversities are the fruit of the horsemen of apocalypse; this is what they do, this is their job description (Revelation 6:1-8). And the one leading them is the white horse-rider, the Antichrist.

     In olden times, Noah also gave a warning to the world that a great flood was coming, and that it would bring the destruction of humanity, except for those who chose to believe the warnings and who would board the only source of salvation, Noah’s ark.

     We won’t experience a worldwide flood as Noah did, but there will be great geographical events such as massive earthquakes, the darkening of the sun and the moon, fiery hailstones, and great disturbances of the celestial bodies, and during which a great part of humanity will perish (Revelation 6:7,8; 9:14,15).

     And as God called Noah, so is he calling us to go forth now, during this endtime, to give warning to the people in every city, and in all the world. So let us warn the world, that they may be ready physically and spiritually, and get on board the ship of salvation.

     And how do we get them on board the ship of Salvation? Well, they can invite Jesus to live with them---that way they’ll have confidence and no shame when he appears at his 2nd coming (1 John 2:28). If we live with him, the Father will consider us as his children (1 John 3:1). And how can people get to live with Jesus, or God?

     That’s easy, he takes the first step and comes knocking at our door (Revelation 3:20). So all we have to do is invite him in, set the table and serve him a nice meal (this is all in the spirit of course).

     So look, this is a powerful movement of the Spirit for this endtime---do you want to be a world mover for him? Do you want to do something dynamic and valuable for yourself and society at this juncture of your life? Then join THE CHILDREN OF THE ENDTIME, God’s endtime movement for this last generation.


Prayer: Dear God, I am so happy you’re sending us your Son Jesus for the second time, to save humanity and to make things right on this planet where things have gotten so contaminated, so dark, and with so much hatred and wars. If you will take me, and if I can help make a difference at this late hour, please accept me as one of your followers. And thank you for this opportunity to diffuse your endtime gospel with the Children of the Endtime.


For more information on how to join THE CHILDREN OF THE ENDTIME, send an email to Put Children of the Endtime on the subject line.



PASS IT FORWARD: Be an instant messenger of the ENDTIME and pass this flyer to three of your friends. If you pass this endtime message to three of your friends, and they in turn send it on to three more people, then after 7 rounds of this passing it forward cycle, you will have reached 2,187 people with an important message of the endtime; and so will those who helped pass it on.


(You can be a Children of the Endtime follower, right where you are, wherever you live)




Carlos A. Cedillo