Thursday, October 1, 2020

Bride of Christ - ETE 11



End-Time Episodes 11

Hey everyone, good news…I’m getting married! The wedding gala affair will not take place until after the Covid-19 crisis and a few other major world events like the great Tribulation, the Rapture, etc., and then my Bridegroom will come! The wedding invitations have already gone out to all the people of the world and beyond. This will be such a grand cosmic affair, that even angels and celestial beings will be present. And I’m not the only one getting married---if you believe in Jesus and love him so much you want to marry him and be his bride---then you’ll be there too, but even if you don’t feel that intimate with Jesus you can still be there as a friend. We’ll all be there in our pure white wedding garments, adorned with gold and diamonds and beauty such as the world has never seen. There’ll be tables and tables for guests as far as the eye can see. The choicest meat cuts and best wines will be served, there’ll be soft romantic music playing in the background. Happy laughter will permeate the angelic atmosphere, and the King of Kings or the Holy Spirit Queen will invite you to the dance floor where they’ll hold you in tender embrace.


This wedding is not pie in the sky, it’s real---it’s the consummation of a cosmic love story where God turns the world and the universe upside down to get to his  bride, you. The nuptial event is part of the end-time narrative found in the book of Revelation, and it caps off all the gruesome woes and tribulations we’ll be going through. “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb (Jesus) is come and his wife has made herself ready…and blessed are all they that are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.” (Revelation 19:7,8,9)

It may come as a surprise to some, that the Creator of all things would seek a loving relationship and stoop to find his joy in marriage to us mortals. I think most of us had conceived God as a strict disciplinarian with a rod of judgement, and not as a bridegroom coming with a wedding ring for his bride. But it’s all right there in the Bible. It says God is love, and it explains how the Father loved us so much he was willing to send his son down to our disjointed darkened world to rescue us, knowing well the deadly consequences for his beloved son. (1John 4:8; John 3:16) And his Son Jesus loved us so deeply he was willing to do whatever it took, even death on a cross, to free us and bring us to his heavenly home as his bride.


(The contemporary and biblical scenarios in the following narrative have not yet fully materialized, but the elements, technology, and strategic agenda of the dark forces behind the scenes are gradually coming to the surface and what we see in the present Pandemic crisis is but the peak of the iceberg.)  

At this point someone may ask, “If God loves us so much and even wants us as his bride, then why are all these bad things happening in the world---why Covid-19?” I made a reference to this in the End-Time Episode 2---I said that there are woes and troubles imposed on the world by human rulers and governments, and there are those brought on by the hand of God. The calamities and pandemic crisis we’re experiencing at this moment are not from the hand of God, but rather the subterfuge workings of an entity operating from behind the scenes, and using his bit-players to carry out his dark agenda. Now further up ahead there will be a time of trouble which is known in the bible as the Great Tribulation, which will be the worst time of trouble, anguish, and turmoil the world has ever experienced. This climactic moment of global distress will come from God, but will not be directed at the poor and innocent of the world---but it will be horrendous for the Antichrist, his bit-players, associates, and those who have worshiped his image and who have received his mark in their bodies.


All of the end-time scenarios and elements depicted in the book of Revelation have heretofore been highly speculative themes. No one could speak assuredly about the time of the end or about the tribulation since there were no concrete correlating events of any substantial impact occurring in our modern day world. But with the advent of Covid-19, all has changed. We’ve now entered a new paradigm which forces us to take a hard look at what the book of Revelation has to say about this moment in time of the year 2020. The present pandemic, forecasted by the Rockefeller Lock-Step in 2010 and Event 2001 in 2019, has brought about adverse global changes affecting every sphere of life; closing of our work places, school shut downs, putting limitations on our personal mobility and liberties, etc. In some cities and countries there are mandates for wearing masks in all areas, stay in place orders, and some states already have mandatory vaccination in place or in the process of establishing compulsory vaccination. So is this a bad thing? Don’t we want to get vaccinated to protect ourselves from Covid-19? It would be fine to get a Covid-19 vaccine if all it contained were the normal antigens that would help our immune system to safely learn to recognize the Coronavirus as a hostile invader and then produce the necessary antibodies and remember them for the future. But this is not the case with the new vaccines being produced.


“Mark of the Beast” is a title portraying the person of the Antichrist and a symbol or data record that he will infuse on each person that submits to him. The terminology John uses is rather cryptic and macabre, but you’ve got to consider he was trying to describe a futuristic scenario, and choosing the best wording he could think of. (Revelation 13:16,17)

     So what was John seeing that was so horrific and strange, and what does it have to do with the Covid-19 vaccines?

     What John saw so greatly impacted him that he chose to name this nefarious personality “beast”. And the fact that this beast could cause or mandate that all strata of society worldwide receive the mark, denotes that he will exercises immense power to the point of making nations submit to his requests and mandates. Could it be therefore that the mark of the beast is describing the global identifier that comes with the new RNA vaccines? Right now the front runner up vaccine from Moderna is using what they call a micro-needle platform as a delivery system. This can even be self-applied through a band aid they’ve invented for this purpose. The band aid would use microscopic needles to inject the various elements of the vaccine into your body. One part of this delivery system called Luciferase would implant bioluministic particles into your body. These particles would be under your skin, invisible to the eye, but if you scan over them with a special device or a special app on your iPhone, it would detect a digital code, imprint, or pattern, something that would verify that you’ve been vaccinated. It would contain your vaccination records and also hold your global ID, your number or barcode, etc.


Okay, so that’s only a marking under my skin, how would that translate into something so all-seeing and all-encompassing as to keep me from buying things at the grocery store or travelling or selling my goods for profit? Hold on---there’s more. The vaccine also includes hydrogels which are a nanotechnology. In essence these would be tiny body sensors going everywhere inside of you to gather all kinds of information. On the upside or health side, they would gather data about your blood pressure, your blood sugar, steps walked every day, but on the downside they would also monitor where you go every day, your sex activity, your menstrual cycle, your brain waves to see what emotional state you’re in, and if you’re taking medication, etc. This would instantly open our personal private life to a central AI and those who are gleaning all our human body data for their private purposes.    




Finally, if we can interpret this RNA vaccine and all its cryptic elements as being the modern technological version of Revelation’s Mark of the Beast, then we have a very serious situation on our hands---one that would ultimately cause grave consequences for anyone who accepts the Mark of the Beast via a vaccine or any other delivery mode. The first stage of ramifications would come in the form of loss of our personal freedoms and independence, then allowing our humanity to be erased by becoming an extension of an AI, and our lives redefined as “mines’ for data — robbing us of our autonomy, our sovereignty, and control over our bodies and minds. The second stage involves the direst consequences for accepting the Mark of the Beast and these are depicted in Revelation 14:9,10,11. After the bride’s marriage to the King of Kings that I described at the beginning of this writing, there will come a terrible moment where God pours out his wrath and fury upon the Antichrist and his followers because of all the evils they have inflicted on humanity throughout the ages. The scripture reads as follows: “If anyone will worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God…and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone…and the smoke of their torment ascended up for ever and ever and they shall have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and who receive the mark of his name.”     


Okay, I know this all sounds pretty scary, but if we love God and choose him above everyone and everything else, then we have nothing to worry about. We can say no to the evil forces and the Antichrist, though he has not yet revealed himself, but we can see his evil manifestations as they evolve daily through the pandemic phantom and its attempts to choke out our breath and our very lives. And when the dark forces present us with their “accept the mark of the beast program” via a vaccine or other instrument, we can say no. This will not be easy, we may be shunned by society and friends, we may lose our jobs, or our freedom to travel. But even if the whole world goes against you, you’ll still have God on your side, and with God standing next to you, you’ll be safe, protected and well supplied for.


Dear God, I pray you will give us

courage and strength to endure this

time of great distress that the Covid-19

pandemic has brought upon the world.

Thank you for giving us understanding

and knowledge of the hidden mechanisms

behind the pandemic, contact tracing, and the

vaccination program they’re preparing for

all of us. Help us to recognize the mark of

the beast in whatever form they present it to

us, and the moral courage to say no to it. We

refuse to accept his mark, and we now take

Jesus as our savior and shield of protection

against the spirit of Antichrist and his bit-players.

I care not if I lose friends or my job or anything

else because of my decision to say no to the mark

of the beast, and I pray dear God, that you be

my source of employment, food supply, strength,

courage, body health and mental and emotional




God Bless and keep you safe,

Carlos A. Cedillo


If you know of anyone who could benefit from this message,

please pass it on.


See link below to see all the END-TIME EPISODES.






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