Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Global Power Grid is Down 
How do you tell people that Covid-19 is not the end, that there is more coming? Already folks are nervous and still trying to recover from the initial blow of the pandemic. Most people are saying, I just want to get it over and done with!” or, “I just want it to go away.” And others dread even thinking about it.
In the Lord of the Rings movie, Frodo’s friend Sam Gamgee, wonders out loud: “I wonder what kind of tale we’ve fallen into?” Obviously, he’s sensing their narrative has taken on huge dimensions. Well, in our story today in the years 2020/2021, we’ve fallen into a war-zone of enormous proportions. No longer will we be able to continue with our regular day to day lives; get up, grab a cup of coffee, get the kids to school and then off to the office for your 8 to 5, then back home, have dinner, watch a movie if you can, and off to bed. We need to adapt our lives and our way of thinking; we need to take on a warfare mindset. 
Warning of a Global Cyber-Attack that Shuts Down Society as a Whole
It hasn’t happened yet, but Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum, warns of an unprecedented power-grid and financial shutdown via a cyber-attack. He says, “We need to pay attention to a frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber-attack which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospitals, and our society as a whole.”
“The Covid-19 crisis, in this respect, would be seen as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber-attack.”
“So, use the Covid-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons of cyber security---community can draw and improve our preparedness for a potential cyber-pandemic.”
Do Simulation Experiments Birth Monster Pandemics and Cyber-Attacks?
The above statements from the WEF director are not hyperbole. I believe the global elite can create a worldwide power-grid and economic shutdown, two power plays designed to bring the world to its knees and give them greater control and dominance over the nations. The trigger was the Cyber-Polygon 2021- Cyber Attack Simulation, which took place on July 9 of 2021, but the power grid shutdown will not surface until 2022. 
A similar event called ‘Event 201’ was enacted in New York in October of 2019. The purpose of the event was to simulate a global pandemic, which eerily materialized into a real pandemic with precise correlation to details of the simulation, a few months later when Coronavirus broke out in Wuhan, China in early 2021. The Rockefeller Foundation in their ‘LockStep’ simulation also predicted, or rather, staged, with uncanny accuracy the Coronavirus pandemic. Now Klaus Schwab and the other elite are following the same pattern with the global cyber-attacks; lay out the complete detailed scenario in a simulation experiment, then watch it materialize into a monstrous reality.
Are these elite personalities and organizations, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, and others, are they modern high-tech prophets who can predict calamities of global import, and then the world watches as their forecasts materialize in real time? I would say they are more like unholy prophets, and according to biblical text, yes, it seems that predicting or forecasting their evil programs and agendas is their style of modus operandi. (At this point the elite are so powerful, they don’t care if people discover their secret ominous plans because they believe no one can stop them.) The Daniel script (Daniel 11:24) says the Antichrist will forecast his devices against the strongholds. The strongholds being the USA, Europe, China and all those countries on the receiving end of the pandemic woes, and the approaching so called, cyber-attacks. 
The World Economic Forum predicts “A cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics would spread faster and farther than any biological virus”. 
This indicates the power-grid/economic shutdown birthed in the July 9th cyber-attack simulation is going to have global repercussions. The blackouts we experienced in the arctic blast of February 2021 only lasted a few days and a week or more in some areas of the world. But the power outages in 2022 portend to go longer, possibly from one to three weeks and even break the dangerous 30-day threshold. Lack of internet services could stretch out even longer. With the closing of banking and businesses, global financial losses could stack up into the hundreds of trillions of dollars.
The Future… 2022
They say it was a terrorist cyber-attack that caused the global power-grid shutdown early this year. People suffered in ways unimaginable during the four weeks the world was without electricity. To compound troubles, this year’s winter came with a strange polar vortex that blanketed most of the northern hemispheres with extreme temperatures comparable to the arctic blast of February 2021. Without electricity to run heating units, millions of people died from prolonged exposure to the arctic climate. Hundreds of thousands more died from lack of needed hospitalization and medication, and many more from disease and water contamination. 
When the electricity was restored and the economy stabilized, everything was different. One month later everyone realized The Great Reset had begun. The Internet could not be found on devices or computers. There was a new operating system running the cyber-world, it was called the Internet of Things. People’s smart devices like watches, cell phones, home appliances and house systems, could now sense human actions. The health app on your cell phone detected an organ disease beginning to spread, activated a medical alert message to the cloud communications central which then uploaded the chemical codes to the hydrogel receptors in your body, and in turn produced the chemicals from your own body that were needed to stop the disease from spreading. These nanoparticles, also injected into your arm along with the Covid vaccine, gave your body “On Demand” access to any drug or chemical without you having to go to a doctor or drugstore and without your intervention.
The Future…2022 continued
The “Wonderful Bio-Technology” had come as a free attachment with the vaccine. At first people were elated to have such a wonderful bio-tech incorporated into their bodies, but the euphoria diminished when they discovered the nanotechnology in their bodies, courtesy of the Covid vaccine, could also spy on their sexual activities and report any excess of alcohol consumption, report any lies you spoke and interpret any negative thoughts or speech, such as ‘I hate you,’ or ‘don’t ever walk on my property again or you’ll be sorry,’ as intention to hurt or kill someone. In these instances, you would be charged on assault with intent to hurt or kill. Lesser negative behavior would also be cause to stop your cryptocurrency payments, or take away your driver’s license or put you under house confinement, especially if you spoke openly or on the IoT about the vaccine and national health regulations. 
Cryptocurrency Payments for Your Body/Activities & Mining
In the future the financial system will also have a new face; we’ll no longer use dollars or pounds nor any of the former currencies. The new coinage will be cyber money, like cryptocurrency. With debt and bills that had accumulated during the shutdown, many will rush to get new jobs. A popular work choice will be the ‘Cryptocurrency Payment for Your Body Activity & Mining”. It’s easy-breezy work. All you have to do is allow a master computer to wi-fi connect to your body sensors and read your body activities, such as your brain waves, eye movements, or just watch a documentary or an ad while the computer observed your brain and nervous system and emotions and the way you react to the stimuli. If the activity you’re performing is acceptable to the apparatus, you will be well rewarded in cryptocurrency. The apparatus, WO 060606, is a highly sophisticated bio-metric cryptocurrency technology that has already been introduced by Microsoft. 
Microsoft’s Patent WO 060606
As with the other so called Great Reset benefits, people soon woke up to the ominous designs behind the WO 060606 technology. They were now components in a gran computer program that saw people as human mines whose body and mind activities were raw material to be mined and profited by. Having accepted the terms and conditions when they applied for the jobs of the future, they inadvertently agreed to the WO 060606 Patent which claimed the intellectual and property rights over their bodies and minds. Employees became mere users in a vast AI technological web that had robbed them of their sovereignty and their right to make choices, stripped them of their human rights and human dignity.
Prayer: Dear God, please help me and my
family as we go through this dark moment
of the pandemic with its toxic vaccines, and
now the power-grid and economic
shutdown. All my things, bank accounts and
logical deductions are of no consequence now.
You dear God are my last resource, I know I
shouldn’t have kept you for last, but I pray that
you will forgive me for my ignorance of your divine
power, love and providence. I ask that you please
come forth now and rescue me, my family and the
whole world from these terrible things that are
happening everywhere. Come into my life and heart
and save me, my family, my friends, and really, the
whole world. We all desperately need you right now.
(All of the above text is from chapters 3 and 4 from ‘Navigating
the Covid-19 Storm’ by Carlos A. Cedillo, a publication found on


Sunday, November 7, 2021

God's Beautiful Woman Displayed in Revelation 12


God’s Beautiful Woman Displayed in Revelation 12

It seems the most predominant human figure that appears throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament, and most likely responsible for the 400-year separation in between, is a woman---she is God’s Cosmic Woman! We see her splendor in Revelation’s 12th chapter: she appears as a pregnant woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet. This woman is symbolic of all those who love and believe in God and his son Jesus, including those lost souls who are still searching.

And as we’ll see, this woman whom God loves is also the cause of the first and second coming of Jesus. And it’s for her that God created the earth and the heavens, to give her a place of abode. As we explore further, we’ll realize God not only wants to marry this woman, but also wants her to partner with him to govern the world.


In this writing I do plan to extract the biblical description and portrayal of this amazing woman whom God seems to be inextricably attracted to. But for the benefit of those not so familiar with the biblical narrative, I present the following tale of a scientist creator and his creation, a story that even a high-tech person can resonate with.

A Parallel of the Great God and His Creation

In this story a wise scientist set out to create an intelligent creature. The task of creating a human-like being such as himself was daunting, yet he plunged into the challenge with great gusto. After a while, perhaps days (we don’t really know since the scientist lives in a timeless realm), he stood back to view his masterpiece…something was missing. He bent over and touched the creature’s lips with his mouth…the woman gasped as her lungs sucked deeply of the breath of life. Immediately the woman-like creature opened her brown eyes, and her mouth formed a pleasant smile.

The smile is only one of the 10,000 expressions the creature can display on her face. This is made possible by the 43 different muscles the scientist embedded under her soft facial skin. To enhance her communication skills, she makes gestures with her hands and arms as she speaks.

After a while the scientist taught his creation to play chess, and then one evening he gave her a present. It was a gold box with a red ribbon around it. Surprised, the woman took the present and asked, “What is it?”

The scientist smiled and said, “Open it.”

Excitedly the woman removed the ribbon and opened the box. “It’s a red dress!”

“Yes, it’s an evening gown for special occasions. You can wear it tonight.”

In puzzlement the woman blinked her lovely brown eyes and asked, “We’re having a special occasion tonight?”

“Yes, we’re having a candlelit dinner with wine.”

“Oh, how nice!” A cute wrinkle formed on her mouth, and she asked, “Where are we going for dinner?”

“We’ll have it out on the veranda.”

Moments later the scientist waited patiently at the foot of the stairs, wondering why his created being was taking so long to put on a dress. He knew he’d programmed her motor neurons to include getting dressed by herself.

But all his thoughts vanished when he saw the ravishing creature at the top of the stairs. The woman looked radiant in her red evening dress. Her auburn hair cascaded like soft silk over her shoulders, her eyes and lips were captivating.

Soft romantic music permeated the atmosphere, and the two enjoyed their meal in peaceful serenity. Occasionally they paused to exchange a smile and a few sweet words.

After his last bite, the scientist wiped his mouth with a cloth napkin and said, “Would you like to dance?”

“I don’t know if I’d be good at it.”

“It’s in your genes,” the scientist said, “once you get out on the floor, you’ll know what to do.”

As they danced, the woman looked deeply into his eyes. She had been given the capacity to think and reason, and now it seemed she was developing the ability to love.

The scientist was very pleased with his woman, and to cap off his creation, he gave her the majesty of choice. If she was to love him as he now loved her, it must be because she had chosen to love him. He did not create her as a robot to nod and say yes, yes, to all his suggestions, or ideas.

For a time, all went well, and it seemed that the woman would grow to love her creator scientist as much as he loved her. He’d been so nice, taking care of her, and bringing her into existence to enjoy a wonderful life, the blue sky, the green grass, butterflies, and the trees. And there was a beautiful garden she had access to as well. And here it was that she encountered an evil mad scientist who influenced her and convinced her to doubt the noble intentions of the good scientist who had created her.

The evil scientist persuaded the woman to receive an inoculation with a serum that he promised would keep her healthy, make her happy and wise, and to have as much knowledge and understanding as the good scientist. The inoculation serum was strong and immediately the woman took on different attitudes and emotions, and soon after she rebelled against the good scientist who had created her. After a long time and much suffering, the woman realized she had been deceived by the evil mad scientist. She did not experience anything good from the inoculation, but she did suffer many detrimental side effects.

Meanwhile, the loving creator scientist, with much patience and love, reached out to the woman. “Return to me,” he said… “and I will forgive you for your unkindness and for turning your back on me.” And so, he began to allure her, and she, seeing the error of her way, finally came back to him.

Shortly after, they decided to consummate their deep love for each other. They invited hundreds of thousands to come to their wedding ceremony. After the wedding the creator scientist took his beautiful wife out into a huge rotunda. Beyond a protective glass he pointed out into the vastness of space. “I have power and dominion over everything in the universe and over everything in existence.” Then a large panel door opened in the glass shield and the Creator said, “Come my love, I want you to partake of all this, you will rule and reign by my side over all of my Kingdom.”


Okay, now let’s get back to the true account of the biblical narrative about God the Creator and his Cosmic Woman. And we should take note that throughout the story, God views this woman as his wife. (Hosea 2:19)

The Woman disregards Gods Loving Counsel

God created a beautiful garden of immense acreage to be the place of residence for the woman. But it was here in the garden of Eden where she (she as in Adam & Eve) first disregards God’s loving counsel; “Do not eat of the fruit of the tree that’s in the middle of the garden, or you will die (Genesis 2:17).” Instead, she listened to the voice of the Evil Entity that was lurking in the shadows. He lied to her saying, “That’s not true, you won’t die. Go ahead, eat this fruit and you’ll be as God, knowing both good and evil (Genesis 3:1-5).” [Eating the forbidden fruit caused spiritual death for Adam and Eve, and physically they began to age, and eventually they would also die physically.]

In the next few thousand years God’s woman, now contaged with an evil virus, takes on a different attitude and personality, baser and more immoral. God’s woman betrays him and goes after other lovers and becomes as adulterous wife (Jeremiah 13:25-27).

What have I done, why are you treating me like this? God’s heart is broken…the lover of the universe has been rejected (Micah 6:3)!

After this, God turns his face away from the woman and there is a silence, a separation. Malachi is the last book where God speaks to the woman through his prophets.

God Breaks the 400 Year Silence

After 400 years God breaks the silence, and he goes looking for his woman. He finds her in the 21st century in Nazareth, Israel. God sends his angel Gabriel to prepare the woman for a special rendezvous. The young woman whose name was Mary, says yes to the invitation. So, on that holy night Mary was the embodiment of the universal woman of God. It was there that the Most High God overshadowed Mary and she conceived. The babe in Mary’s womb was born nine months later in Bethlehem. That evening an angel announced his birth to shepherds who were in the fields. Be not afraid he said, for I bring good news of great joy, for you and all the people of the world. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

The GodMan Gives His Life for the Woman

The above depicts the 1st coming of God as the Father, and as the Son who was born to the woman, Mary. The Son of God, Jesus, has an agenda given to him by his Father, and it has to do with the woman.

The Son’s mission: Rescue and save the woman from the evil sin-virus she contaged when she ate of the forbidden fruit back in the garden. To accomplish this prodigious task, Jesus will have to give his life on a cross. When the woman sees the error of her ways, Jesus forgives her and then wipes clean her sinvi (sin-virus) with the blood he shed on the cross. It is this sacrifice of love that wins the heart of the woman back to her God, her husband.

Going Forward to the Years 2020, 2021, 2022 and Beyond

Meanwhile, the Evil Entity (the Devil) who had lied to the woman in the garden and convinced her to eat the forbidden fruit, has been kicked out of the heavenly realm, along with 300 of his rotten angels. And today in our time, this Evil Entity, through his empowered human agent (the Beast), is now working devilishly fast (warp speed) and orchestrating a series of events to impact the earth and it’s populations with deadly viruses, gene-altering vaccines, hydrogels, and other intrusive nano-bots, all with a dark agenda that portends to depopulate the world and set up computer-operating systems within humans to give the elite full control of all human activity and finances. Several big-name NGOs and foundations are involved in this devious plot, but the hard-core figure is the Antichrist. For now, he works his deception from behind the scenes, but ultimately, he will reveal himself to the world.

The mystery of Revelation and it’s prophetic events is very deep. And though the course of the Antichrist and his evil followers seems to be set, nevertheless, the woman and all believers continue to send up powerful prayers for protection and guidance. God receives every single prayer and sets up walls of security for his followers and all those who love him and believe in him. He also assigns angels to assure their needs are met, even if they are hindered by the mandated vaccines which have caused many to abandon their workplaces, and if they inadvertently received the vaccine, these would have divine protection against the harmful elements hidden within the vaccines. God has the antidote for any deadly thing that may have gone into their bodies (Mark 16:18).

So here again this powerful God of the universe protects the woman during this present time of turmoil and tribulation and all the way up until the end. He gives his beloved woman a guaranteed word of protection and supply in Revelation 12:14.

The King of Kings Rescues His Woman

The last 3 & ½ years of the tribulation are the most intense dark moments for the woman and Gods lost children. They wonder if they’re going to make it through the terrible calamities that are coming upon the earth. Already the sun seems to have lost 1/3 of its power for it is hardly as radiant as it was in the past, and at night the moon looks darker, and it seems 1/3 of the stars have been blacked out. Then one day the sky began to darken, it was not an approaching storm, it was millions of locusts! They came down and attacked every person in sight except those who had the seal of God in their foreheads. The locusts were terribly frightening to look at. They had faces like men, hair like a woman, and their teeth were like the teeth of a lion. And they had tails with stingers like a scorpion and when they stung a person it caused horrible excruciating pain. So intense was the pain, that men looked for ways to kill themselves to relieve the agony, but death escaped them (Revelation 9:3-11).

[I would not be surprised if the ancient Nephilim have returned and designed the present nefarious nanotechnology being used for the vaccines and other experimental projects. With the genetically modified hydras and parasites in the vax, Crispr/Cas9, and genome editing, it wouldn’t be impossible to produce human/animal or human/insect hybrids. Hence these horrific scorpion/locusts with human-like faces and hair like a woman, all coming during the last part of the tribulation.]

It’s the Rapture!

But suddenly a ray of light breaks through the darkness and the atmosphere gets brighter and brighter. Everyone is looking up and they see this awesome figure of light breaking through the clouds, it’s the King of Kings, Jesus! In that very moment all the believers of God shoot straight up like a rocket, it’s the rapture! Each one of God’s men and women and children, even babies, are soaring through the air to meet Jesus in the clouds! It’s a climatic event, God’s woman has been rescued from the ugly chaos, confusion, and annihilation of human’s at the hand of the Antichrist and his evil followers who had the mark of the beast.

After the Tribulation - a Wedding in Heaven!

To those who overcome all the way to the end God promises to give them power to rule over the nations (Revelation 2:26). The cosmic woman will not only be given that power, but she will also receive a marriage proposal, and then a wedding ring!

(The following text is from episode 6 of Return of the King of Kings publication on Amazon)

Oh My God, Are You Going to Propose to Me?

I will betroth you to me forever…in loving devotion and compassion…and you shall know the Lord. (Hosea 2:20)

This God who comes to rescue you has more in mind than just a rescue mission---he loves you more than you realize---he wants to marry you.

“Well, I’m flattered,” you say, “but I’m just a commoner on this planet, why would the Prince of Heaven want to marry me?”

He had his eye on you from before you were born (Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart. - Jeremiah 1:5). Even in the garden after you disregarded his mandate to not eat of the forbidden fruit, you went and hid yourself behind the bushes, and still he came looking for you. “Where are you? Come back to me.” God has a heart, and he seeks intimacy with us. We’re the woman he desired from the beginning, even until now, as illustrated in Revelation 12.

And if we’re honest with ourselves, we have always had a deep longing in our soul for someone to love us, to cherish us and take us into their arms and tell us they loves us, and who would be with us forever and ever. And now in this episode and other writings, we’re realizing this lover has found us, and he’s coming for us---we just didn’t know this person would be deity, the God of the universe!

(The following text is from episode 6 of ‘Return of the King of Kings’ by Carlos A. Cedillo. This publication is on Amazon)

A Marriage Made in Heaven---Literally!

So here we are now in the thick of the tribulation plot. You may also realize that there is a specific series of events that compose the Revelation story. In Episode-1 I painted the picture of the second coming of the Son of God, as he came in the clouds with power and with the sound of trumpets. It’s at this time when he takes us up to be with him, that a cosmic wedding feast will be held in the great ballroom of God’s Kingdom.

Question: OK, so you’re saying the King of Kings loves me and wants to marry me---wow, this is really way out there! And I’d like to get some clarity about this wedding. It’s going to be symbolic, right? Like a metaphor? It’s not like a real wedding, is it?

Answer: Of course, it’s going to be a real wedding! For goodness sake, he, this wonderful God, invented that beautiful loving union between a man and a woman called marriage. Do you think that now, when it comes to his own holy matrimony between himself and his bride, do you think he’s going to give us a scaled down, watered down, sanitized version of the real thing? Think of the incredible splendor, love, and beauty of weddings you’ve seen in your life or in the movies---now multiply those one trillion times and you’ll still not even be close to the majesty and grandeur of what your wedding in heaven is going to be like.

Here Comes the Bride!

All the billions of people who have through-out time believed in God, compose the body of the heavenly bride, even his lost children who are yet destined to find him and know him. And being omnipresent, he, God, can enjoy each one of his brides in a one-on-one relationship.

Everybody quiet now. The bride is ready to walk the isle…

(Get your copy of ‘Return of the King of Kings’ to read the rest of this amazing love story.)