Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Global Power Grid is Down 
How do you tell people that Covid-19 is not the end, that there is more coming? Already folks are nervous and still trying to recover from the initial blow of the pandemic. Most people are saying, I just want to get it over and done with!” or, “I just want it to go away.” And others dread even thinking about it.
In the Lord of the Rings movie, Frodo’s friend Sam Gamgee, wonders out loud: “I wonder what kind of tale we’ve fallen into?” Obviously, he’s sensing their narrative has taken on huge dimensions. Well, in our story today in the years 2020/2021, we’ve fallen into a war-zone of enormous proportions. No longer will we be able to continue with our regular day to day lives; get up, grab a cup of coffee, get the kids to school and then off to the office for your 8 to 5, then back home, have dinner, watch a movie if you can, and off to bed. We need to adapt our lives and our way of thinking; we need to take on a warfare mindset. 
Warning of a Global Cyber-Attack that Shuts Down Society as a Whole
It hasn’t happened yet, but Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum, warns of an unprecedented power-grid and financial shutdown via a cyber-attack. He says, “We need to pay attention to a frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber-attack which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospitals, and our society as a whole.”
“The Covid-19 crisis, in this respect, would be seen as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber-attack.”
“So, use the Covid-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons of cyber security---community can draw and improve our preparedness for a potential cyber-pandemic.”
Do Simulation Experiments Birth Monster Pandemics and Cyber-Attacks?
The above statements from the WEF director are not hyperbole. I believe the global elite can create a worldwide power-grid and economic shutdown, two power plays designed to bring the world to its knees and give them greater control and dominance over the nations. The trigger was the Cyber-Polygon 2021- Cyber Attack Simulation, which took place on July 9 of 2021, but the power grid shutdown will not surface until 2022. 
A similar event called ‘Event 201’ was enacted in New York in October of 2019. The purpose of the event was to simulate a global pandemic, which eerily materialized into a real pandemic with precise correlation to details of the simulation, a few months later when Coronavirus broke out in Wuhan, China in early 2021. The Rockefeller Foundation in their ‘LockStep’ simulation also predicted, or rather, staged, with uncanny accuracy the Coronavirus pandemic. Now Klaus Schwab and the other elite are following the same pattern with the global cyber-attacks; lay out the complete detailed scenario in a simulation experiment, then watch it materialize into a monstrous reality.
Are these elite personalities and organizations, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, and others, are they modern high-tech prophets who can predict calamities of global import, and then the world watches as their forecasts materialize in real time? I would say they are more like unholy prophets, and according to biblical text, yes, it seems that predicting or forecasting their evil programs and agendas is their style of modus operandi. (At this point the elite are so powerful, they don’t care if people discover their secret ominous plans because they believe no one can stop them.) The Daniel script (Daniel 11:24) says the Antichrist will forecast his devices against the strongholds. The strongholds being the USA, Europe, China and all those countries on the receiving end of the pandemic woes, and the approaching so called, cyber-attacks. 
The World Economic Forum predicts “A cyber-attack with COVID-like characteristics would spread faster and farther than any biological virus”. 
This indicates the power-grid/economic shutdown birthed in the July 9th cyber-attack simulation is going to have global repercussions. The blackouts we experienced in the arctic blast of February 2021 only lasted a few days and a week or more in some areas of the world. But the power outages in 2022 portend to go longer, possibly from one to three weeks and even break the dangerous 30-day threshold. Lack of internet services could stretch out even longer. With the closing of banking and businesses, global financial losses could stack up into the hundreds of trillions of dollars.
The Future… 2022
They say it was a terrorist cyber-attack that caused the global power-grid shutdown early this year. People suffered in ways unimaginable during the four weeks the world was without electricity. To compound troubles, this year’s winter came with a strange polar vortex that blanketed most of the northern hemispheres with extreme temperatures comparable to the arctic blast of February 2021. Without electricity to run heating units, millions of people died from prolonged exposure to the arctic climate. Hundreds of thousands more died from lack of needed hospitalization and medication, and many more from disease and water contamination. 
When the electricity was restored and the economy stabilized, everything was different. One month later everyone realized The Great Reset had begun. The Internet could not be found on devices or computers. There was a new operating system running the cyber-world, it was called the Internet of Things. People’s smart devices like watches, cell phones, home appliances and house systems, could now sense human actions. The health app on your cell phone detected an organ disease beginning to spread, activated a medical alert message to the cloud communications central which then uploaded the chemical codes to the hydrogel receptors in your body, and in turn produced the chemicals from your own body that were needed to stop the disease from spreading. These nanoparticles, also injected into your arm along with the Covid vaccine, gave your body “On Demand” access to any drug or chemical without you having to go to a doctor or drugstore and without your intervention.
The Future…2022 continued
The “Wonderful Bio-Technology” had come as a free attachment with the vaccine. At first people were elated to have such a wonderful bio-tech incorporated into their bodies, but the euphoria diminished when they discovered the nanotechnology in their bodies, courtesy of the Covid vaccine, could also spy on their sexual activities and report any excess of alcohol consumption, report any lies you spoke and interpret any negative thoughts or speech, such as ‘I hate you,’ or ‘don’t ever walk on my property again or you’ll be sorry,’ as intention to hurt or kill someone. In these instances, you would be charged on assault with intent to hurt or kill. Lesser negative behavior would also be cause to stop your cryptocurrency payments, or take away your driver’s license or put you under house confinement, especially if you spoke openly or on the IoT about the vaccine and national health regulations. 
Cryptocurrency Payments for Your Body/Activities & Mining
In the future the financial system will also have a new face; we’ll no longer use dollars or pounds nor any of the former currencies. The new coinage will be cyber money, like cryptocurrency. With debt and bills that had accumulated during the shutdown, many will rush to get new jobs. A popular work choice will be the ‘Cryptocurrency Payment for Your Body Activity & Mining”. It’s easy-breezy work. All you have to do is allow a master computer to wi-fi connect to your body sensors and read your body activities, such as your brain waves, eye movements, or just watch a documentary or an ad while the computer observed your brain and nervous system and emotions and the way you react to the stimuli. If the activity you’re performing is acceptable to the apparatus, you will be well rewarded in cryptocurrency. The apparatus, WO 060606, is a highly sophisticated bio-metric cryptocurrency technology that has already been introduced by Microsoft. 
Microsoft’s Patent WO 060606
As with the other so called Great Reset benefits, people soon woke up to the ominous designs behind the WO 060606 technology. They were now components in a gran computer program that saw people as human mines whose body and mind activities were raw material to be mined and profited by. Having accepted the terms and conditions when they applied for the jobs of the future, they inadvertently agreed to the WO 060606 Patent which claimed the intellectual and property rights over their bodies and minds. Employees became mere users in a vast AI technological web that had robbed them of their sovereignty and their right to make choices, stripped them of their human rights and human dignity.
Prayer: Dear God, please help me and my
family as we go through this dark moment
of the pandemic with its toxic vaccines, and
now the power-grid and economic
shutdown. All my things, bank accounts and
logical deductions are of no consequence now.
You dear God are my last resource, I know I
shouldn’t have kept you for last, but I pray that
you will forgive me for my ignorance of your divine
power, love and providence. I ask that you please
come forth now and rescue me, my family and the
whole world from these terrible things that are
happening everywhere. Come into my life and heart
and save me, my family, my friends, and really, the
whole world. We all desperately need you right now.
(All of the above text is from chapters 3 and 4 from ‘Navigating
the Covid-19 Storm’ by Carlos A. Cedillo, a publication found on


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