Tuesday, March 31, 2020



As COVID-19 advances like the death phantom around the world, Christians and Jews alike will be celebrating one of the holiest events of their faith; Easter and the Passover. Ironically or perhaps by divine foresight these entities of faith have come to us at the most crucial moment of our need.

The modern Passover celebration commemorates the victory of Moses and the Hebrew people over the deadly plague that rampaged the nation of Egypt in 1446 B.C. When Moses received intel of the approaching killer virus, he quickly sought God for a solution. The instructions from the Most High were strange and unlike anything they’d ever known. But the Hebrews were desperate to save their lives and acted quickly on what God instructed; they sacrificed a lamb and with its blood they painted the door frame of their houses. When the mortal plague approached and saw the blood, it would pass over that home and not do it harm. Thus two million Hebrew people were saved from annihilation.

The sacrifice of a lamb and the saving power of its blood was a foreshadowing of what was to come later with the appearance of Jesus Christ on the scene. In the gospels it says Jesus is the Lamb of God who died and shed his blood for the salvation of the world, and in Revelation it states: “They overcame him (any devil, enemy or virus) by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus)…”

 So how timely and gracious God is to give us both Easter and the Passover at this crucial moment when the vicious COVID-19 is wreaking havoc, death and destruction throughout the world. And we shouldn’t see these important events as just a jubilant time of celebration with bunnies and Easter eggs, or fine Seder meals with wine; there is power for the hour to be extracted from the heart of Easter and Passover---the same power that the blood of a lamb (symbolic of Jesus’ blood) provided the early Hebrews to save them from the deadly virus that devastated the entire population of Egypt, and the power of Jesus’ blood today to save you from the COVID-19. The blood of Jesus is a symbolism of God’s presence and power. The blood is not a special serum against the Coronavirus. It’s God that’s going to protect you and keep you safe, because you believe in him and in his Son Jesus who gave his life and blood on the cross for your salvation from everything, including the Coronavirus, as well as your spiritual salvation later at the end of your earthly life.

So this is our moment of truth. Are we going to give up and give in to our anxiety, dread and fear, and listen to the voices who say, “You’re going to catch this virus eventually, you can’t escape it---this is your reality---this is what you can expect, you’re going to catch the COVID-19, then you’ll get deathly sick or die.” Or, are you going to believe God’s voice who’s saying “You can beat this---you’re going to make it---just claim the blood of Jesus over yourself, your family and your loved ones.”

Let this April 2020 be a month of new beginnings for you. Break out of that darkness that’s trying to confine you and snuff out your life. Break out and run and jump in the light of a bright new shiny day and resume your life and your work as a more humble and Godly person who’s been given another chance at life!

God bless and keep you safe,
Carlos A. Cedillo

Prayer against the Coronavirus:
I claim the blood of Jesus Christ over my life, my family, my friends, my finances and everything good that pertains to me. I bring the cross and Jesus’ blood against the Coronavirus, against the spirit of Death and it’s domain, and against every foul spirit, power and device of the Enemy. Thank you Jesus for sending me your angels to build a hedge of protection around me and my loved ones, and thank you for the peace, good health, work and supply of all my needs during this time of national and international crisis. Amen.

 PS—If you know of anyone who could benefit from this timely message, please pass it on.

Saturday, March 28, 2020



Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and through the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. (Psalm 46: 2,3)

I believe the above scripture adequately describes the critical state of events we’re experiencing as we pass through the Coronavirus storm. Though our jobs be removed, though it seems the mountain of our life is about to sink at sea, and the waters of worry, fear and financial crisis swell around us… Can it get any worse? Before we contemplate the answer take another look at the previous scripture; it begins with ‘therefore will not we fear.’ Is it suggesting or telling us not to fear? Why would it tell us that when it seems our whole world is about to fall apart? People are losing jobs, businesses are closing, forget about air travel and in some cases forget about even leaving your house. Several cities have already set up home quarantine rules.

"Therefore will not we fear…" God inspired King David to write this stanza of scripture and he unrolls the chapter with these assuring words; "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1) For some who have not been in contact with God for a while, this idea of Him being a safe haven or strength in a troubled storm may be not be so easy to grasp or believe. But he’s all of that and more. King David would not have written these incredible promises if he hadn’t experienced some of these calamities firsthand. And there's something unique about these scriptures. The words were originally written on leather or skins. Each word was inspired of God’s Spirit and the text was laden with power and a type of life-energy that could only be released through one’s faith. And this is something that anyone can do---you can believe and you can have faith that what God has said in these scriptures he will perform.

Therefore, if you can believe what God is saying to you here, that he will be a refuge and strength and a very present help during the Coronavirus storm, and believe him when he says to not fear, then the power behind those words will kick in and no matter what is happening around you, you will have peace. You’ll know God is there with you, he’s present and he’s going to work everything out for you. It might not be right away or exactly as you expect, but he will bring you through the deep waters and the rough times, and set you up upon a rock.

Following are some scriptures on peace, trust and comfort:

In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O God, make me to dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8

 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you…let not your heart be troubled. John 14:27

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until this disaster has passed. Psalm 57:1

 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

 They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.” Acts 16:31

 Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. Psalm 125:1

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Proverbs 30:5

 God bless and keep you safe,
Carlos A. Cedillo

 If you know of anyone that could benefit from this timely message please pass it on. Thank you.


Part 3 -

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic has now reached 125 countries and has claimed 30,879 lives. But even though it looks like this pathogen is coming at us from all sides, we will not fear, for when the Enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of God will raise up a standard against him. What this means is that God’s going to keep us from the Coronavirus and protect us no matter what.

As I already illustrated in the last two parts, our shield is going to be the Blood of Jesus. Just as this Blood of Jesus (Lamb of God) was a shield for Moses and his two million Hebrew people in Egypt, so will it, upon our request through prayer, engulf us and protect us from the Coronavirus. Now I’ve had people tell me that they believe the news media is blowing this way out of proportion to cause people to worry and panic, and that in reality the Coronavirus is not as bad as the normal seasonal flu that caused 37,000 Americans to die last year. I won’t argue with that, but my question is how do you explain the vast difference in the effect the COVID-19 is having worldwide with schools closing, main sports and events cancelled, grocery stores getting ransacked, and cities and whole countries going into lock-down? The worst part being the anxiety, worry, fear and terror the media is downloading into the minds and hearts of people everywhere.

And if the present Coronavirus is in reality less dangerous and with a much lower mortality rate than the seasonal flu, then how is the present emotional storm being generated? I mean, some folks are deeply inflicted with worry and anguish, and almost frozen in fear. Is there some invisible entity influencing our emotions and guiding us to react in a certain way to the Coronavirus? Are we being subjected to some form of biopower and biopolitical forces as we’re being bombarded through the news media on a daily basis? Are these forces regulating our responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic? It's a scary thought, but such a scenario is suggested in an abstract titled: Regulating the 1918–19 Pandemic. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3867839/

 But whatever may be the case---it’s still no match for the powerful Blood of Jesus. We just have to believe and trust in what God is showing us. For every look at your TV and scary newscasts on the CVID-19, take two looks at God’s promises of protection, safekeeping, peace and ability to keep you through the Coronavirus Storm. And to help you with this, I’m listing several encouraging promises from God’s word for you to read, meditate and hold on to.

Promises of Protection and Comfort:

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them (Coronavirus), for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help when we are in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)

Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until this disaster (Pandemic) has passed. (Psalm 57:1)

 Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you (Jesus) are with me. Your rod and your staff they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4)

 …my God is my Rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior… (2 Samuel 22:3-4)

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for I your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

May God keep and protect you always,
Carlos A. Cedillo

PS- If you think this writing will be a help to others during this moment of national and global crisis, please pass it on.



Part 1 - In 1446 BC Moses had knowledge of a terrible destructive virus that was to come upon Egypt. He was desperate to know what preventative measures to take to protect the two million Hebrews living under his leadership throughout the land of Egypt. Hand sanitizer and hand wipes were not going to cut it—this was a killer virus called the Destructor and it would aim primarily at the youngest children. Further on, the Red Sea was going to be a cataclysmic challenge, but the clear and present danger of the Destructor virus seemed an even greater threat. If ever Moses needed to hear from God to get his help and instruction, it was now. God was up to the challenge and on the first Hebrew month he gave Moses specific instructions on what every family had to do to be saved from the terrible plague that was to come upon the nation. The steps given to avoid the mortal virus were surprisingly different from anything they’d ever done. Each family was instructed to paint their front door frame with the blood of a lamb. Then when the plague approached their area it would pass over any house where it saw the blood, and no one in that home would die. On the 10th day of that month all that followed the bizarre instructions and believed that the blood of the lamb would save them, were delivered from death.

Today, in early 2020 the world faces a viral monster similar to the horrific plague of Moses’ day---it’s called the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The virus’ first outbreak occurred in the Chinese city of Wuhan in January of 2020 and has grown rapidly over the past months to infect over 81,484 of the Chinese population and with a death toll of 3,298. The highly contagious pathogen has hitchhiked from one human to another on flights, cruise ships, and other closed in areas. It can also be transmitted by coughing or sneezes, or being 6 feet in proximity to an infected person. The Coronavirus is now present in 128 countries with 654,157 cases and 30,361 known deaths. In the United States 118,592 cases have been confirmed, and the death toll has reached 2,262, with the latest deaths being reported in Florida and New York.

I’m reporting the above information not to scare or alarm anyone, but to come to grips with what we’re up against. I know these stats sound terribly high, way out of our reach to solve or protect ourselves---but look at how the blood of the lamb protected Moses and his two million people from being exterminated by the destructive agent that annihilated most of the Egyptian population. Now if you’re not familiar with the story of Moses and the power of God, deliverance by the blood of a lamb typifying the blood of Jesus, might seem rather archaic and odd to you. So allow me to shed some light on the subject. Almost everyone knows about the life of Jesus Christ who came to earth as a tiny babe 2000 years ago. And he didn’t come to condemn us for our wrongdoings and mistakes; he came with a cosmic plan to save us. The plan involved his dying on the cross and giving (shedding) his blood to ransom us and redeem us from our sins and thus freeing us from the curse of (spiritual) death and granting us a new life with no expiration date. So at the end of our life when the death angel comes and sees the blood of Jesus on us, he backs off immediately and runs in fright. In Moses’ day when he told the Hebrews to paint their door casing with the blood of a lamb, that act was a foreshadowing of the blood of Jesus shed on the cross, and his blood would be the ultimate means to redeem us and save us from death at the hands of any destructive killer agent. In the gospels John calls Jesus the Lamb of God. (Of course I’m speaking of claiming the blood of Jesus symbolically, not literally.)

I don’t doubt that this Coronavirus was hatched in the depths of hell. And this is the Devils quest; to kill, to steal and destroy---but God’s word says that we can overcome him and his evil devices with the blood of the Lamb and by our testimony to that effect. So this is the best and most powerful weapon that you can use at this very moment against the Coronavirus; the blood of Jesus.

Carlos A. Cedillo

Prayer against the Coronavirus: I claim the blood of Jesus Christ over my life, my family, my friends, my finances and everything good that pertains to me. I bring the cross and Jesus’ blood against the Coronavirus, against the Devil and his domain, and against every foul spirit, power and device of the Enemy. Thank you Jesus for sending me your angels to build a hedge of protection around me and my loved ones, and thank you for the peace, good health and supply of all my needs during this time of national and international crisis.

 PS – If you know of anyone who could benefit from this timely message, please forward it to them.