Tuesday, March 31, 2020



As COVID-19 advances like the death phantom around the world, Christians and Jews alike will be celebrating one of the holiest events of their faith; Easter and the Passover. Ironically or perhaps by divine foresight these entities of faith have come to us at the most crucial moment of our need.

The modern Passover celebration commemorates the victory of Moses and the Hebrew people over the deadly plague that rampaged the nation of Egypt in 1446 B.C. When Moses received intel of the approaching killer virus, he quickly sought God for a solution. The instructions from the Most High were strange and unlike anything they’d ever known. But the Hebrews were desperate to save their lives and acted quickly on what God instructed; they sacrificed a lamb and with its blood they painted the door frame of their houses. When the mortal plague approached and saw the blood, it would pass over that home and not do it harm. Thus two million Hebrew people were saved from annihilation.

The sacrifice of a lamb and the saving power of its blood was a foreshadowing of what was to come later with the appearance of Jesus Christ on the scene. In the gospels it says Jesus is the Lamb of God who died and shed his blood for the salvation of the world, and in Revelation it states: “They overcame him (any devil, enemy or virus) by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus)…”

 So how timely and gracious God is to give us both Easter and the Passover at this crucial moment when the vicious COVID-19 is wreaking havoc, death and destruction throughout the world. And we shouldn’t see these important events as just a jubilant time of celebration with bunnies and Easter eggs, or fine Seder meals with wine; there is power for the hour to be extracted from the heart of Easter and Passover---the same power that the blood of a lamb (symbolic of Jesus’ blood) provided the early Hebrews to save them from the deadly virus that devastated the entire population of Egypt, and the power of Jesus’ blood today to save you from the COVID-19. The blood of Jesus is a symbolism of God’s presence and power. The blood is not a special serum against the Coronavirus. It’s God that’s going to protect you and keep you safe, because you believe in him and in his Son Jesus who gave his life and blood on the cross for your salvation from everything, including the Coronavirus, as well as your spiritual salvation later at the end of your earthly life.

So this is our moment of truth. Are we going to give up and give in to our anxiety, dread and fear, and listen to the voices who say, “You’re going to catch this virus eventually, you can’t escape it---this is your reality---this is what you can expect, you’re going to catch the COVID-19, then you’ll get deathly sick or die.” Or, are you going to believe God’s voice who’s saying “You can beat this---you’re going to make it---just claim the blood of Jesus over yourself, your family and your loved ones.”

Let this April 2020 be a month of new beginnings for you. Break out of that darkness that’s trying to confine you and snuff out your life. Break out and run and jump in the light of a bright new shiny day and resume your life and your work as a more humble and Godly person who’s been given another chance at life!

God bless and keep you safe,
Carlos A. Cedillo

Prayer against the Coronavirus:
I claim the blood of Jesus Christ over my life, my family, my friends, my finances and everything good that pertains to me. I bring the cross and Jesus’ blood against the Coronavirus, against the spirit of Death and it’s domain, and against every foul spirit, power and device of the Enemy. Thank you Jesus for sending me your angels to build a hedge of protection around me and my loved ones, and thank you for the peace, good health, work and supply of all my needs during this time of national and international crisis. Amen.

 PS—If you know of anyone who could benefit from this timely message, please pass it on.

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