Wednesday, May 27, 2020

COVID-19 and the Coming Vaccine - ETE5

COVID-19 and the Coming Vaccine

This episode contains extensive virological terms, but bear with me, I’m going somewhere with this.

So far the global news media has been giving us a panoramic view of the Coronavirus; its mortal impact on hundreds of thousands of lives, the draconian lock down measures along with the severe economic downturn and loss of jobs…and we are in shock. Some of us can not yet fathom the sudden extreme changes this stealth pathogen has produced in our homes, our work, and our schools. Others are scrambling and calculating drastic cuts and changes to their budgets and social activities. In the still of the night we turn over in our beds and we wonder. What happened? What are we up against, and what can we do about it?

Governments around the world are giving a dire warning: we cannot return to our normal lives until we can develop a powerful vaccine to stop the coronavirus disease, COVID-19. In the U.S., Dr. Antony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said he’s optimistic about the initial results from Moderna’s new vaccine, and which promises swift production in a program dubbed Operation Warp Speed, and hopefully will be available to all 300 million Americans in the country. But that’s only a scaled down portion of the overall need. Bill Gates says the world will require 7 billion vaccines to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

Will a super new vaccine be our salvation? Not likely, or better put, to the contrary. An article from March 30, in the Medical News Today gives an important clue as to why COVID-19 has been so dangerous to human health. The report clarifies that animals were the source of the Coronavirus now known as COVID-19. When the virus jumped from an animal to a human, that’s when we had the making of the deadly SARS-CoV-2 virus. It could have come from bats or pangolins, but for this kind of contagion to occur on a massive global scale, indicates a complex viral lab contagion by accident or by purpose.

The well-known virologist Judy Mikovits, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, takes this a step further when she states that anyone who has received a flu vaccine is likely to register as positive for SARS-Co-V-2 using a PCR test, for the fact that most flu vaccines in the U.S. are made in chicken cells or dog kidney cells, which her research shows are contaminated with coronaviruses. She also believes one of the reasons older Italians got hit so hard in northern Italy is because the vaccine given there was, as the above statement, grown in dog kidney cells, which she claims are contaminated with coronaviruses. (See interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)
Okay moving right along---maybe not as a flowing dissertation, but sounding more like a literary staccato, yet at the end all its parts should rhyme and make sense, I hope.

Like Mikovits, Kennedy cites a Pentagon study7 published in the January 10, 2020, issue of the Vaccine journal, which found you’re 36% more likely to get coronavirus infection if you got the influenza vaccine in 2017 or 2018.

Okay, so are these people saying that vaccines have been contaminated in laboratories with harmful animal viruses, and that these animal contaged vaccines are what’s being produced today and those produced in the past as well? And that receiving these vaccines can actually make us more susceptible to catching serious diseases as well as COVID-19? The following may help clarify these statements:

“In 1994 the scientific community reported the very real possibility that growing human viruses in animal tissue and cells used every day in laboratories around the world, then re-injecting that material back into humans, could introduce new animal viruses into the human population.” (Plague of Corruption by Judy Mikovits) And Mikovits goes on to say that “we cannot mix animal and human tissues. Not just coronaviruses, but the infectious retroviruses [are spread this way]. We are injecting lots of animal tissue, fetal tissue, into humans, and we’re creating novel viruses all the time, even within the individual or family…God did not intend for animal viruses to be injected directly into the human bloodstream.”

Dr. Judy Mikovits was one of the most skilled scientists of her generation. She had a 20-year collaboration with Frank Ruscetti, a pioneer in the field of human retro virology. Dr. Mikovits' standards of ethics and moral courage are unparalleled. (Quote by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) On September 29, 2011,[9] Mikovits wrote a paper that was published in the journal Science, where she expounded on her virology work showing that she and her associates had detected XMRV DNA in CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) patients. The startling implication being that the retroviruses or XMRV were carried by the vaccines that we’ve been using for years, and causing CFS/ME and other serious diseases in the population. Mikovits wanted to broadcast the news far and wide and warn the people, but Dr. Anthony Fauci pressured her to be silent and withdraw her paper from the Science Journal. Mikovits refused and decided to hold her moral ground and stand up for the truth. Shortly thereafter Mikovits was arrested without due process of law, Fauci removed her funding and prevented her from getting a job in government research from that point on. (See “Judy Mikovits is Among Her Generation’s Most Accomplished Scientists.” By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.)

Is the vaccine work by Dr. Mikovits a major expose of the powerful hidden agents behind COVID-19, and a clear indication of their positioning for world dominion? That would be a yes! Especially if the next vaccine phase includes the quantum dot tattoo for disease surveillance, using a vaccine tracking system.

More to come in the next End-Time episode.

Prayer of Salvation and Protection:
Dear God, you know where I am in the Coronavirus storm
that’s moving all around the world, even unto the corners of
my life. But you are my immovable anchor, therefore I shall
not be moved. You are my provision and my divine protection,
I shall not lack, neither will I fear for no harm can come to me.
Your angels surround me and my family; your love and favor
are with me when I sleep and when I awake. Surely your goodness
and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. I ask also that you will forgive me for all the wrongs and bad decisions I’ve made that have hurt others and you; and that you will grant me your gift of salvation, not only for my physical presence as I traverse the Coronavirus storm, but also for my soul so that I may have access to your Kingdom at the end of my days.

God bless you and keep you safe,
Carlos A. Cedillo

If you know of anyone who could benefit from this message
please pass it on.

Click on the link below to see more End-Time Episodes and writings
on the Coronavirus.

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