Friday, July 24, 2020

Coronavirus and the World – An Epic Story (ETE7)


Coronavirus and the World – An Epic Story

The Coronavirus first began in Wuhan, China and has now spread to approximately 177 countries, killing more than 510,736 and afflicting over 10,500,639 people. The explosive appearance of the lethal pathogen has caused catastrophic socioeconomic upheavals around the globe and its detrimental effects continue to spread.

What is unfolding before us is no small matter---this is a huge epic story about the world, its inhabitants, and COVID-19’s destructive force as it moves around the globe. The amazing thing about this story is that it’s already been scripted. The giant narrative appears on the pages of the twelfth chapter of Revelation starting with the 1st verse and going forward to the 18th verse. The transcendent nature of this chapter will make your head spin as you’re taken along on a literary ride that covers over 20 centuries.

Warfare between the Woman and the Dragon

This is going to get a little crazy now, but it’s all true---and we and COVID-19 are involved, so stay with me. This chapter 12 features a Lamb with a capital L, a beautiful pregnant woman, and a great red monstrous dragon. Warfare is the tension between the woman and the dragon. The action in this invisible dimension is revealed to John who is the author of Revelation. He’s seeing this warfare that’s happening and he’s taking notes, and he’s struggling because God’s spitting out these images at a fast clip and he’s going back and forth with the story---not back and forth in a time-sequence---there’s no time in the spirit dimension, but back and forth in the pieces of the story. So he’s writing furiously and trying to put it all together as best he can.

Who’s the Woman of Revelation 12?

From the beginning until now, all those that believe in the Lamb (the Son of God), conform part of the woman. There are also those who are in the process of discovering and accepting Jesus as the Son of God. So that’s almost everyone, unless you’re adamant in your rejection of Jesus. And it’s against this heavenly woman that the red dragon (the devil) comes at, as she’s about to give birth to her baby (Jesus), and he plans to kill them both. As we know from history (Christmas and the manger baby) the evil plan was foiled as Mary and Joseph were warned and escaped with baby Jesus to Egypt. Throughout the centuries the dragon has not relented in his hatred against the woman and he has sent wave after wave of persecutions against her. You see, after getting kicked out of heaven he was furious and since he couldn’t get revenge on God, he opted to vent his fury on the woman. So to this day he continues to be angry with God’s woman and he continues to make war with us (Revelation 12:17) who are the remnant of her seed. You don’t have to be a saint to be part of the remnant, you just have to believe and do your best to follow what his word says.

Where in Revelation 12 is COVID-19?

In the previous END-TIME EPISODES I’ve proposed that there is a hidden agenda behind COVID-19 and I’ve revealed it’s mechanisms, it’s bit-players (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, NIAID, WHO, etc.), and exposed the main player as the nefarious Antichrist of Revelation. I’ve also expounded on the mysterious foreknowledge that these actors have demonstrated with uncanny precision of the present COVID-19 pandemic in the exposition EVENT 201 in October 2019, two months before the Coronavirus of Wuhan, China. Now beyond foreknowledge, there’s also a detailed pre-constructed global pandemic program called LOCKSTEP, conceived in 2010 by the Rockefeller Foundation, which was timed for activation now in 2020. Another one is the perturbing vaccine strategy laid out by Bill Gates to reduce the world’s population by 15% (a billion people), a proposal he made in one of his Ted Talks in 2010. 

The Antichrist Portends to Launch a One-World Government

And behind these powerful actors who are hidden behind the scenes, there is yet a greater figure that is also unseen; the dragon. John calls the devil the great dragon in the book of revelation (Revelation 12:9). The dragon of Revelation is pretty much interlocked with the Beast who is the Antichrist. The Antichrist may be hidden out of sight at the moment, but he is a physical person, a powerful figure who portends to launch a one-world government with himself as its political leader, and it’s the dragon who gives him his power and authority (Revelation 13:2). One can discern the correlation between the players behind COVID-19 and the Antichrist through their mutual interest in causing disease, distress, fear, death, depopulation, famine, social upheavals, economic downfall, etc. And most likely the powerful elite behind COVID-19 are taking their cue from the Antichrist through normal or paranormal communications. Though a bit mysterious and cryptic, the inhumane actions of the Antichrist I’ve exposed above are just a few of those depicted in chapter six of Revelation. BTW, the white horse rider of Revelation six is the Antichrist, not Jesus.

Is there any Hope, Will COVID-19 and the Antichrist be the End of Us?

Absolutely not! We will win with Jesus in the end. You see, when Jesus the God-Man was crucified at the age of 33, the dragon did a victory dance thinking he’d won. He was thrilled at the sight of Jesus’ blood at the foot of the cross---but little did he realize that that blood signified his demise! The word of God clearly states: “And they overcame him (the dragon and his evil throughout all time) by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) and by the word of their testimony”. (Revelation 12:11)

COVID-19, No Match for the Blood of Jesus

Why is this, how can the blood of Jesus give us victory over COVID-19 and the Antichrist? Because Jesus’ blood is his life, his light and his power, and all of this is the creative power of the universe and nothing can defeat it! After his resurrection Jesus appeared to his disciples and he said, “All power, authority, the whole works, has been given to me in heaven and on earth”. And Jesus in turn has given us his power and authority. “Look”, he said, “I give you power over all the power of the enemy (COVID-19, the dragon and the Antichrist) and nothing shall be able to hurt you” (Luke 10:19). And this writing that I’m sharing with you is the word of my testimony, and if you share it with others, it’ll be your testimony as well.


God if ever I needed you it’s now. COVID-19 is making

millions of people sick and causing hundreds of thousands

to die. Our jobs are being taken out from under us, our work-

places are being shut down, they want to put me under

house confinement, and the news channel feeds me

with nothing but fear and dread. Jesus, please come into my

heart and my life and give me strength and hope to make it

through these difficult times. Take away the confusion and fear

that tries to flood my mind every morning. Jesus I claim your

blood over myself, my family and loved ones. Let your blood protect

me, let it give me your peace, healing and your salvation now from

all these ills, and later at the end of my earthly life so that I can

come and live with you in your heavenly kingdom.



          God Bless and keep you safe,

          Carlos A. Cedillo


If you know of anyone who could benefit from this message,

           please pass it on.


See link below to see all the END-TIME EPISODES.


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