Saturday, August 22, 2020






-Covid-19 and its Vile Technological Vaccines

-Exposition ID2020

-Pentagon’s Darpa Partners with Microsoft on RNA Vaccines

-The Creepy World of Microsoft’s Patent WO 060606

 We are being utterly transformed. And the world is being utterly transformed around us. Ostensibly, this is to tackle a simple virus. In reality, it is to achieve an elite design at staggering cost to humanity and to life generally.

Robert J. Burrowes

At the time of the end, just before Jesus returns to set up his Kingdom on earth, we will see the rise of a one-world government, led by a powerful superhuman anti-Christ dictator.

     In the book of Revelation this Antichrist is referred to as the Beast and it’s predicted that he will set up a global economic system in which everyone will be forced to receive a number or ID, without which people will not be able to buy or sell except they that have the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name…and his number is six hundred and sixty-six (666)” (Revelation 13:16–18).

     The implications and ramifications of the above scripture are huge! Anyone who reads this section of Revelation will think it to be cryptic and outrageous; the dystopian material of a Hollywood movie, and could even dismiss it as science fiction if it were not for the fact that today in 2020 we’re beginning to see the cold reality of this prophetic vision as it unfolds throughout society, the world and our very lives.


The apocalyptic scenario John wrote about is well underway and in the following lines we’ll see how it’s playing out here in your city and around the world.

     The ground breaker was the Wuhan, China Coronavirus which spawned a worldwide pandemic of sickness, deaths, economic and social chaos, all to the degree that it created a desperate need for a super-vaccine. This new type of vaccine being produced employs nano-technology that can send nano-bots (very tiny robots) right into your DNA and make genetic modifications. On the positive side the vaccine could produce antibodies and improve T-cell response to help fight the virus, and then fade out once the virus was gone, but there’s the possibility it could become permanent and advance to detrimental levels. The nanotechnology would also leave a digital ID slightly underneath the skin and a scanner could identify if you’ve received the vaccine or not. “Another element of the vaccine is a hydrogel. This nanotechnology A.I. will enable what’s in you to connect with other A.I., and other humans would be able to read data from our bodies, connect with your smart phone or device, via the cloud, 365 days a year, and think what that would do immediately to your personal life and privacy. This technology would constantly be sending out information about you and all your activities, but what kind of information would be sent back to us?" Would they send us electrical impulses to affect our mood, our thoughts, or superimpose images and memories to our brain using Darpa’s Brain interface?  Dr. Carrie Madej says she sees a lot of wrong things with this vaccine that the major media is not telling us about. (Text in quotations is from Dr. Carrie Madej)

 (See Dr. Carrie’s vaccine video on twitter—“Human 2.0 A Wake-Up Call to the World”)



 Exposition ID2020 explains another key aspect of the vaccines; it’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. It would allow controlling every movement of each one of the 7-plus billion people of planet earth, including everyone’s health records, cash flows, bank accounts, as well as our behavior.2


The Pentagon’s Darpa along with Microsoft have partnered to produce an RNA vaccine that can program a brain-interface capable of writing directly into your brain. This means they can rewrite what’s happening in your memory, your thoughts, etc. So this means something else would be controlling you, rewriting your emotions, your experiences, and designing a new reality for you.3  


I think Microsoft’s Patent WO 060606 is a rather bold calling card from the Antichrist, a clear declaration that his number 666 is now present on the planet, and that he, the Man of Perdition is close by.

     What is it? What is Microsoft’s Patent WO 060606? It’s a highly advanced technological apparatus that when combined with the injectable nano-technology coming to us through the new RNA vaccines, will connect us to a human powered crypto mining system based on sensors that would mine our body and mental activities.4 The system introduces novel concepts such as mining, proof of work, and compensation for work that satisfies the cryptocurrency system, etc., and is quite complex so I’ll let Dr. Vandana Shiva take it from here. She’s a godly woman and she gives a clear explanation and warning of the various facets of the Microsoft Patent WO 060606.

     “The patent is dramatically changing the meaning of being human. Firstly, it is redefining us as “mines’ for data — robbing us of our autonomy, our sovereignty, and control over our bodies and minds. The patent is an Intellectual Property claim over our body, and our minds. And just being connected through their “server” is giving consent.

     Just as through colonialism, the colonizers assigned themselves the right to take the land, the resources, the earth of the indigenous people, extinguishing their cultures and sovereignties, and in extreme cases exterminating them, patent WO 060606 is a unilateral declaration by Microsoft of our bodies and minds as their new colonies. We are being reduced to mines of “raw material” — the data extracted from us.

     The “body activity” that Microsoft wants to mine without our permission, without our consent, includes, but is not limited to : “radiation emitted from the human body, brain activities, body fluid flow (eg blood flow)organ activity or movement, body movement, and any other activities that can be sensed and represented by images, waves, signals, texts, numbers, degrees, or any other form of information or data. Example of body radiation emitted from human body may include radiant heat of body, pulse rate, or brain wave. Brain waves may comprise, for example, but not limited to i) gamma waves, involved in learning or memory tasks ii) beta waves involved in logical thinking and /or conscious thought iii) alpha waves, which may be related to subconscious thoughts iv) theta waves, which may be related to thoughts involving deep and raw emotions v) delta waves, which may be involved in sleep or deep relaxation or vi) electroencephalogram (EEG) which may be measurement used to evaluate the electrical activity in the brain, such as deep concentration. Examples of the body movement include eye movement, facial movement, or any other muscular movement.”

     Secondly, it is erasing our humanity — as sovereign, living beings, spiritual, conscious, intelligent beings, making our decisions and choices with wisdom and ethical values about the impacts of our actions on the natural and social world of which we are a part; and to which we are inextricably related. We are being reduced to being “users” of tasks assigned to us by the extractive digital mega machine. A “user” is a consumer without choice in the digital empire. Human creativity and consciousness disappear in the world imagined in #patent060606.

Thirdly, the patent is redefining human values, and the value of being human.        

     Human values include ethical, ecological, spiritual values. For us, right livelihood is Dharma, the Right Action in the web of life of which we are part. Sustaining and nourishing our ecological relationships as Earth Family and our social relationships as one Humanity in our diversities, is what makes us spiritual, self organized and compassionate beings. The value of being human is measured through love and compassion, through sharing and giving. The measure and currency of life is life and love. Value is derived from “valere” -to be strong. Strength comes from our self-organized autonomy and interrelationships, our spiritual, emotional, ecological resilience, which grows from deep within our being.

     Patent 060606 is aimed at robbing us of our deep humanity. We are being transformed from self-organized, conscious, creative, auto poetic beings, into external input “users” whose value will be assigned in cryptocurrency through algorithms, by the very machine that gave us the task in the first place.

Having extracted our “body data”, including our brain function, algorithms will assign a “target ra(n)ge of valid body function.” A machine will determine the machine we are allowed to be.

“For example the user device may generate raw data of the sensed body activity, transmit it to a cryptocurrency system, and then the cryptocurrency system may codify the raw data… The cryptocurrency system verifies if the body activity data of user satisfies one or more conditions set by an algorithm of the cryptocurrency system… The condition may be set by simulating human body activity across all of body activities… Machine learning algorithms may be used to simulate body activities and set the conditions for valid body activities… When the body activity data transmitted from user device satisfies one or more conditions set by cryptocurrency system, cryptocurrency system awards cryptocurrency to user”

Our value as human beings will be allocated by a machine, the cryptocurrency system.

    …and since life is based on mutuality and giving, the currency of life is not a one way extraction, but a two way flow, a nourishing and giving back in love, friendship, gratitude, oneness. It is the currency of life that weaves the relationships in the Earth Family and sustains the flow of life…

     The money machine reduced the meaning of “currency” to be only money. Then the money machine declared a war on cash and made cash illegal. Currency was forcibly reduced to Digital currency to reduce user control.  

     Patent 060606 is the next step of reductionism and total control by reducing us from vibrant living beings to mines for extraction of “data” as the new oil, the new raw material, with our worth and value assigned by the extractor in ‘cryptocurrency’.”5

     All of the above text in quotations are from Dr. Vandana Shiva.

Prayer for protection and salvation:

Dear God, thank you for protection, safekeeping, and supply of all our needs

during this time of the Covid-19 crisis. We pray that you will also supply jobs for all those that were left without employment, and that you will bless them with all they need to continue to care for their families. We pray also for continued protection against the Coronavirus, and though we wear masks and practice social distancing, we know that our real protection comes only from you and from the blood you shed at the cross where you gave up your life so that we could have life. You said, “The thief is come only to steal to kill and destroy, but I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Yes, the thief has come through Covid-19 to try to steal our lives and to kill and destroy, but we’re not worried because you’re with us and your power of life in us has broken the power of death and sickness. (2 Timothy 1:10)



1---Dr. Carrie Madej - Human 2.0 A Wake-Up Call to the World-

2---ID Certificate

3---Vaccine with Brain-interface

4---Microsoft’s Patent WO 060606

5---Dr. Vandana Shiva’s discourse


God Bless and keep you safe,

Carlos A. Cedillo


If you know of anyone who could benefit from this message,

please pass it on.

See link below to see all the END-TIME EPISODES.





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