Wednesday, November 18, 2020



End-Time Episodes 14



-LockStep’s Strategy for Tighter Top-Down Control

-Adverse Effect of Covid-19 Lockdowns

-CDC’s Plans for Containment Camps

-Safe Haven in the Covid-19 Storm

-God’s Helicopter Rescue Service


The sad part in these Covid-19 measures and precautions is that they are based on flawed data and stats with little true science or academic backing. The omittance of moral respect for human life and our constitutional liberties are daunting. To think that we would allow the present draconic so called Covid-19 health measures based on oscillating corporate guidelines rather than empirical scientific fact, to rob us of our jobs, freedoms, economy, peace, and mental stability, is unacceptable. For the sake of humanity, let us not stand idly by in the face of the most evil immoral heist of the century. 




As we fight to navigate the pandemic storm, we may find ourselves heading into deeper waters. The Coronavirus and mRNA vaccines are only the first phase of the dark agenda looming over the world. In 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation projected a strategy called LockStep---it visualized a global pandemic brought about by a powerful virus, and the fall-out would produce “A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership.” The document zeroed in on a virus contagion in China, suggesting the solution would be to enforce mandatory quarantine for all its citizens and claiming this strategy would save millions of lives. Is the 2010 previsioned pandemic of the Rockefeller Foundation the seed that gave birth to Covid-19 in early 2020? (See page 18 of the link below)




In the above pandemic simulation, the Rockefeller Foundation projected the solution to be a mandatory quarantine/lockdown for all the Chinese population and claimed this containment procedure would have saved millions of lives. This preconstructed scenario by the R.F. is now being rolled out in real time to different degrees and stages, and contrary to the rosy predictions, we’re seeing a detrimental effect on people everywhere. Being shut-in at your home or a confinement facility is taking a toll on people’s health and wellbeing. Inactivity, not getting sufficient fresh air or sunshine are weakening people’s immune systems, thus making them more susceptible to sickness and Covid-19 contagion. The mental and phycological impact of this kind of abnormal isolation and distancing from society, mixed with a heavy dose of toxic mass media is having a horrific effect on human life. The new norm is laden with fear, worry, anxiety and dread, and the spike in suicides gives evidence of the pandemic’s final blow---the shutdown of life.

      CDC’S PLANS FOR CONTAINMENT CAMPS  (Shielding Approach)

In the present Covid-19 crisis we are witnessing an array of health protection tactics and their rigid implementation as it rolls out around the globe, fulfilling almost to a T the LockStep prediction from 2010. If we follow the order of events as outlined in their game plan, then we’ll soon see the oppressive quarantine camps as were prescribed for China in the LockStep strategies. And sure enough the containment camps are now on CDC’s crosshairs. According to the article in the link below they already have plans for a shielding program. “The shielding approach aims to reduce the number of severe COVID-19 cases by limiting contact between individuals at higher risk of developing severe disease (“high-risk”) and the general population (“low-risk”). High-risk individuals would be temporarily relocated to safe or “green zones” established at the household, neighborhood, camp/sector or community level depending on the context and setting.1,2 They would have minimal contact with family members and other low-risk residents.” And who knows who the “high-risk” people are? CDC has now removed the specific age threshold from the older adult classification. CDC also warns that the risk has increased. It’s not only those over a certain age who are at increased risk for severe illness. It doesn’t surprise me that they would change health policy from one moment to the next. At one-point Anthony Fauci said the face mask rule may be needed…and another time he said “Masks are not good.”


The containment housing or centers call for a physical separation between high-risk individuals and the general population to prioritize the use of available resources and avoid enforcing long-term containment measures. Countries like South Korea, Italy, Singapore, etc., have been using this strategy of forced isolation in earlier months, so we can see how their containment program is being mirrored around the world.

It’s important to know that these containment measures also include the asymptomatic or well people, banking on the possibility that they may eventually prove positive for Covid-19. And what happens if the system decides that long-term confinement cannot be avoided? Would we ever again see loved ones or friends once they are put into forced isolation? And once you’re pegged for one of these confinement camps, whether you’ve tested positive or negative for Covid-19, there’s no way out. Right now, our Constitutional rights to freedom and liberty are being infringed left and right---and what about the Sixth Amendment from the Bill of Rights? “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” You can forget about this one too. Under the Emergency Act of March 1, 2020, all the checks and balances, constitutional and otherwise have been thrown out.


The view is worrisome and daunting as we walk the dark corridor of 2020, and we may feel like we’ve reached the end of our rope, like forever. But take courage, remember that all of the above scenarios have already been scripted and believe or not, there is a happy ending to this horror story we’ve been dropped into. I mentioned in the End-Time Episode 13 that our warfare with Covid-19 had already been described in an ancient tome written more than 2090 years ago. The warfare took place between our foe (the dragon) and a beautiful woman who would give birth to a child that would rule the nations. We and Mary and all those who believe in God unto this day, are that woman. As the drama plays out, the dragon goes after the woman and her child to destroy them, and it looks like the end of them. But at that instant God gives the woman ‘two wings of a great eagle’ that she might fly into the desert---a safe haven God had already prepared for her, where she would be safe and nourished.


I believe we’re seeing the unfolding of these prophetic Revelation scriptures, and you and I who are the ‘woman’---and the Antichrist, his bit-players and the dragon with his fiery pandemic breath---are all being cast in this cosmic story found in Revelation 12:4,5,6,13,14. Our sweet relief will be when we’re lifted out of the abyss of the pandemic by the ‘wings of a great eagle (see verse 14)’, which in today’s vernacular would translate as “God’s helicopter rescue and supply service.” And this special service is not limited to the last 3-1/2 years of the tribulation, you can dial it up anytime you need it, just say: “I call on the wings of a great eagle.” It is a prophetic promise of protection and provision so feel free to avail yourself of this supernatural gift of God’s love and protection for you.

(Note: Though the Antichrist has yet to make a formal appearance, we believe he’s already there, lurking behind the scenes, most likely already orchestrating the present pandemic crisis.)



Dear God, thank you for revealing the devious

           nature of the Coronavirus pandemic, so that

           we’ll not be entangled by its myriad of deceptive

           mechanisms. We pray that you will protect our

           minds and hearts from the daily barrage of toxic

           news and that we will not succumb to fear or worry

           or anxiety. And please protect us from all forms of

           Covid-19 lockdowns, which they say are for the

           protection of our health and others health, but

           which in reality are unhealthy, abnormal and

           harmful. And thank you for giving us your super-

           natural gift of ‘the wings of a great eagle’, which

           we can claim at anytime to lift us up and away from

           the pandemic dangers and evils, and take us to

           your safe haven, that secret place where we’ll be

           secure and provided for.


           Psalm 91:1,4,5,6

           He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will

           rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the

           LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God,

           in whom I trust." Surely he will save you from the

           fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.

           He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings

           you will find refuge…


           God bless and keep you safe,

           Carlos A. Cedillo


           If you know of anyone who could benefit from this message,

           please pass it on.


          See link below to see all the END-TIME EPISODES.






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