Saturday, April 4, 2020



Heavenly Father, we come before you now seeking your protection against contagion by the Coronavirus, and to ask that you shield our emotions from the poisonous news media of fear, dread, anxiety and horror.

Like an invisible phantom, the Coronavirus has slithered into every corner of our lives with its menacing threats, and casting a shadow of death for anyone who walks the near empty streets of our cities. Our schools once full of young students and teachers now sit in quiet solitude. Social distancing has put a ban on most social activities and we look with suspicion at anyone who coughs or sneezes.

COVID-19 has come upon us and we were not ready, we were not prepared for such a terrific onslaught of our minds, bodies and spirits. In a sudden rude awakening we’ve become aware of how delicately balanced our lives are. The things we had deposited our faith in, and considered stable and constant, like our jobs, our homes, our bank accounts, our monthly payments, full shelves at the supermarket; have suddenly become fragile and vulnerable. And the things of the spirit like prayer and your word Jesus, things which give true nourishment and sustainability, we find to have been neglected.

Jesus, this great crisis has come upon us and we realize that neither money nor things or people will be able to save us. So we come to you Lord---you’re our only hope, the only one who can pull us out of this dark valley of the shadow death. We ask that you forgive us our errors and sins and that you will save us and our families, our friends and people of the world from the Coronavirus.

You showed your great saving power by protecting Moses and the Hebrews from the great virus plague that come over Egypt in 1446 B.C. God instructed them to paint their door frames with the blood of a lamb, a foreshadow of your blood, Jesus; and when the plague came and saw the blood, it passed over that home. So we know that you Jesus, are the Lamb of God, and that you shed your blood on the cross to cleanse us and save us from our fallen lives, and even now your blood can save us from the Coronavirus.

Dear Jesus, we now claim your blood over our lives, our family, our friends, our work and everything good that pertains to us. We bring your cross and your blood against the Coronavirus, against the spirit of Death and its domain, and against every foul spirit, power and device of the Enemy. Thank you Jesus for sending us your angels to build a hedge of protection around us and our loved ones, and thank you for the peace, good health, work and supply of all our needs during this time of national and international crisis.


Carlos A. Cedillo

 PS—If you know of anyone who could benefit from this timely prayer, please pass it on.

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