Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Was Event 201 a Predesigned Blueprint for COVID-19? - ETE2


Was Event 201 a Predesigned Blueprint for COVID-19?

In October of 2019 a team of 15 global business, government, and public health leaders assembled to find ways to confront a global pandemic with potential to infect millions and kill several hundred thousands. The pathogen begins small but then spreads quickly from person to person, country to country. In the first months the number of cases increases exponentially, and doubles every seven days. As the number of infections and deaths increase, the economic and social repercussions become more severe as the cases and deaths accumulate.

The above scenario is not the present COVID-19 that has circled the globe causing catastrophic upheavals to our social and economical spheres. What was projected in October of 2019 was a simulation of a possible future pandemic. The simulation took place at a meeting called Event 201 in New York. It’s purpose was to promote preparedness and to see how world leaders could respond effectively to such a hypothetical viral dilemma.

The Event 201 pandemic simulation of 2019 was uncannily similar to the COVID-19 that sprang from the little town of Wuhan, China just three months later. It’s as if the participants of Event 201 predicted a pandemic of specific proportions and characteristics, and then we saw it’s fulfillment in the present COVID-19. Are the interweaving similarities between simulation and Coronavirus a coincidence, or was it indeed COVID-19 being staged at the Event 201? Whatever the underlying mechanisms or actors behind the COVID-19, it’s a reality that has impacted our lives dramatically. Many have been laid off or lost jobs altogether, and others have been confined to their homes. Around the country and the world schools have closed down and parents are scrambling to find ways to home-school their children. This was to be a temporary situation but now it’s probable that schools may not open till next January.

Lets Get Back to Normal

But there are rays of light beginning to break through the dark pandemic clouds. In several states businesses are beginning to open their doors and employers are calling their workers to return and payrolls are beginning to roll. The words I’m hearing now are “Lets get back to normal and lets get on with living our lives again.”

“Lets get back to normal” sounds real good to me. But at the back of my heart I’m wondering if I want back to nice and normal without finding the why. I mean, we’re having this humongous earth-shaking pandemic going on; I should want to know why it’s happening---what does it mean? What does God think about all this? Is this the hand of God? Well I don’t think this one is of God. As I mentioned in the End-Time Episodes 1, there are those woes and troubles imposed on the world by human rulers and governments, and those brought on by the hand of God.

The Pandemic is Not God's Doing

This pandemic is not the product of God’s doing. But nevertheless he can use it for his own purposes. He can avail himself of his own word that says, all things work for good to those who love God. So from this perspective he could use this global crisis to bring us closer to himself. He loves us and he would like nothing better than for us to look to him right now in our moment of need, let him take us under his wing, and let him smooth out our ruffled feathers, and let him speak words of comfort, hope and peace to our ear. With our fast food lives and rapid dial technology we may have strayed far from him, or we may not even be aware of him. He who gave us life and our existence; we may not even know that he exists.

And you know how much God loves you? Scripture says God gave his Son to die on the cross so that we may live and inherit eternal life---that’s a lot of love! “Jesus loves you” is not a Christian cliché, it’s a truth of God. Jesus loves you and wants to save you in whatever way you need saving from the Coronavirus, and he wants to save your spirit, so you can live on after this life is over.

Salvation prayer:
Jesus thank you for your great love in dying on the cross for me. I know I’ve been somewhat of a mess and made a lot of unloving decisions that hurt you and others. I ask your forgiveness and ask that you take me into your life as I take you into my life right now. Please change me and make me into a better person, a new person, born of your spirit and of your love.

Carlos A. Cedillo

If you believe this message can benefit others, please pass it on.

Go to my Blog to see all my posts on the Coronavirus.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Introduction to End-Time Episodes - ETE1


Introduction to End-Time Episodes

We live in a wonderful world of great personal accomplishments, careers, material wealth, and enjoy lives of stability and steady employment. But at the dawn of 2020 all this changed with the cataclysmic arrival of COVID-19. In a matter of weeks the status quo of our lives was been uprooted and we find ourselves forced to adapt to the brutal changes that have invaded every sphere of personal life, education, financial and social activities.

Stock markets have crashed, schools have closed with no hope of reopening anytime soon, and we're seeing the highest levels of unemployment since the great depression. Lock-downs have been imposed for entire cities and in some places families are under house confinement. Basic supplies like hand sanitizer, toilet paper and paper towels have become extremely scarce in some areas and several food items are missing at the supermarket, the empty shelves giving a stark message of the acute shortages.

Coronavirus Phantom---the Invisible Adversary

On a par with the physical illness impact of COVID-19, we see that it has a dark shadow which I call the Coronavirus Phantom, and it’s this invisible adversary that is wreaking havoc on people’s minds and emotions. It comes at us via the news media with sledge hammer blows of fear, worry, anxiety, dread and horror. It’s become apparent that our walls of money, houses, relationships and things cannot protect us from these attacks on our minds, our hearts and our very lives. The only one who can help us, and probably the one we’d almost forgotten about, is God.

I believe the Coronavirus crisis will begin to ease up and eventually we will all be able to resume our lives, but perhaps things will not be as well or sweet as the former. There will be a noticeable residue left in the wake of the pandemic. As the smoke of the vile COVID-19 begins to lift, people will ask if this series of dreadful events are a red-flag indicator of the biblical tribulations described in Revelation. The Coronavirus is high on the scale of what could be considered a bonafide tribulation as described in the book of Revelation. However I don’t think it’s the main thrust of the tribulation woes that are predicted. There are several phases of woes, troubles and tribulation in chapters six, seven and eight of this end time book, and they can be categorized as those imposed upon mankind by wicked rulers and governments; and those that God brings down upon certain peoples and their leaders as his righteous judgements for their evil treatment, deprivation and killing of the innocent.

There'll Be a Brighter Future in a New Tomorrow

In this series which I’ve called End-Time Episodes, I hope to give a running documentation and presentation of articles on the COVID-19 pandemic, its arrival and it's effect on our work, our economy and our lives. The main purpose will be to elucidate and give understanding of the vile phenomena that has invaded our world, and most important, to impart the hope of God and his encouragement to lift our hearts, and to know that though we walk through the dark valley of the Coronavirus, we need not fear or worry for God is with us and there will be a new tomorrow with brighter hope of a future for us and our children.

Prayer of Salvation:
Dear God, I know that neither things nor people can save me from the Coronavirus pandemic and its death angel. So I look to you now for your help and salvation. I know I’m a sinner and have made many decisions that have hurt you and others. I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son and that he died so that all my sins can be forgiven, and that you raised him to life so that he could come and offer us salvation, and after our time on earth he could give us a new life with no expiration date. Jesus I ask now that you forgive me for all my sins and that you will grant me your sweet eternal life. I want to follow you as best I can from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will from day to day. I ask this in your name Jesus, amen.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Carlos A. Cedillo

Sunday, April 12, 2020



Today I woke up with bitter/sweet feelings. Bitter because of the Coronavirus, and sweet because it’s Easter Sunday. But actually, the contrast with COVID-19 is making this Easter all the sweeter.

The Easter resurrection was the beginning of a wonderful new life for Jesus. Death could not hold him down as he burst through the tomb that Sunday morning, and the beauty of it was its loving promise; we too will have a resurrection and a new life; an exciting new existence with no expiration date.

So Coronavirus, even though you’ve hit us with your biggest and baddest physical and psychological weapons, you haven’t even made a dent in God’s resurrection power to revive all the things you’ve tried to kill and destroy in our lives.

How like dying this whole pandemic experience has been. But now the wonderful thing is that this Easter we can come back to life, we can resurrect right alongside with Jesus. And some of us are already seeing areas of our lives take on new life; like having meals together, having family games and activities, enjoying quality time with our children, taking care of our gardens and planting new trees and flowers.

Closing thoughts:
Coronavirus or not, if I thought I was going to die, I would be worried. But with the resurrection of Jesus, death is no longer an option in my life.

I confirm the above with this word from Jesus: “I am the resurrection and the life, he that believes in me…shall never die.” (John 11: 25,26)

Happy Easter,
Carlos A. Cedillo
PS- If you know of anyone who could benefit from this timely message, please pass it on. You can access all my writings on the CORONAVIRUS on the link below:

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Coronavirus--No match for the Blood of Jesus

Part 2
Coronavirus--No match for the Blood of Jesus

Since my first message and prayer, the Coronavirus has now progressed
to the category of “Pandemic”, as declared by the World Health Organization
(WHO). According to the WHO, a pandemic is "an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people."

But now we know we can fight this thing with our weapon of choice, the Blood of Jesus. And the reason this sounds like fighting words is because they are. We’re in a fight here and the sooner we realize that life is a battlefield, the sooner we can go about winning the battle that is before us. Scripture says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (physical) but spiritual…fight the good fight of faith…put on the whole armor of God…for the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword. That does not sound like the gentle strumming of a golden harp in the clouds. Okay, so we have the Blood of Jesus, and there are others weapons that are powerful and many come in the form of promises of protection, safekeeping and maintaining peace, faith and a clear and sound mind in the midst of crisis and deadly virus’ and economic chaos.

Maybe you thought you’d never find yourself in this kind of predicament with thousands of people dying of a mortal virus around the world, and then seeing this Coronavirus pouring into the US and even into your own state. You go to the supermarket and you see mostly empty shelves with only a few bottles of water left, no toilet paper and only few paper towel rolls. And hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes or Clorox wipes---forget it. These are nowhere to be found. You hear in the news that businesses are closing or asking their employees to take a leave of absence. Many cities have declared a state of emergency and the stock market goes into a nose dive every other day, with readings like: Dow Jones drops 1,400 points and tumbles into a bear market…

Honestly, at moments I feel like I’m going to come apart at the seams, but I know I can’t lose it. I’ve got to stand firm and steady and the only way I can do that is to stand on the solid rock of God’s word and promises. Of course there’s other things too; my job, my house, my family, my car, my stocks---but again, if I don’t have something solid and stable enough to sustain me through the Coronavirus tsunami, none of the rest is going to help.
     To end this part I’m going to give you a few promises of protection from scripture (the Bible). And I’m addressing these messages to everyone, Christians and non-Christians, believers and non-believers. So there may be a few terms and things (such as scripture) that you may not understand, but this is an emergency. I’m moving ahead and giving it to you even if it’s not all crystal clear, these words are real and powerful and they will help you. It might be like the movie Matrix where Trinity needs to learn to operate and fly a military helicopter. On her communicator she informs headquarters of the need gives them the make and model of the helicopter and in seconds she’s programmed to fly the machine. So whatever you don’t understand or need, let the heavenly headquarters know and they’ll beam down all the knowledge and wisdom you need at the moment you need it.

-Promises of Protection-

I give you power to step on serpents and scorpions (and viruses), and over all the power of the Enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19)

God shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. (Exodus 14:14)

Whoever listens to me will dwell in safety, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. (Proverbs 1:33)

The name of our God is a strong tower: the righteous run into it and are safe. (Proverbs 18:10)

The angels of God encamp around those that honor him and keeps them safe. (Psalms 34:7)

God bless and keep you safe,
Carlos A. Cedillo
Check out the following link for more of my messages on Coronavirus:
PS—If you know of anyone that can benefit from this message please pass it on.



Coronavirus giant---you come at us with your insidious viral disease threat all day long on the news channel. You mandate rules of isolation, unemployment and lockdowns; and your rantings laced with panic, fear and dread play non-stop on the internet---but we will not cower and run. We’re coming at you in the name of our God and in the power of the blood of his Son Jesus!

Coronavirus, you’re going down!

Carlos A. Cedillo

Saturday, April 4, 2020



Heavenly Father, we come before you now seeking your protection against contagion by the Coronavirus, and to ask that you shield our emotions from the poisonous news media of fear, dread, anxiety and horror.

Like an invisible phantom, the Coronavirus has slithered into every corner of our lives with its menacing threats, and casting a shadow of death for anyone who walks the near empty streets of our cities. Our schools once full of young students and teachers now sit in quiet solitude. Social distancing has put a ban on most social activities and we look with suspicion at anyone who coughs or sneezes.

COVID-19 has come upon us and we were not ready, we were not prepared for such a terrific onslaught of our minds, bodies and spirits. In a sudden rude awakening we’ve become aware of how delicately balanced our lives are. The things we had deposited our faith in, and considered stable and constant, like our jobs, our homes, our bank accounts, our monthly payments, full shelves at the supermarket; have suddenly become fragile and vulnerable. And the things of the spirit like prayer and your word Jesus, things which give true nourishment and sustainability, we find to have been neglected.

Jesus, this great crisis has come upon us and we realize that neither money nor things or people will be able to save us. So we come to you Lord---you’re our only hope, the only one who can pull us out of this dark valley of the shadow death. We ask that you forgive us our errors and sins and that you will save us and our families, our friends and people of the world from the Coronavirus.

You showed your great saving power by protecting Moses and the Hebrews from the great virus plague that come over Egypt in 1446 B.C. God instructed them to paint their door frames with the blood of a lamb, a foreshadow of your blood, Jesus; and when the plague came and saw the blood, it passed over that home. So we know that you Jesus, are the Lamb of God, and that you shed your blood on the cross to cleanse us and save us from our fallen lives, and even now your blood can save us from the Coronavirus.

Dear Jesus, we now claim your blood over our lives, our family, our friends, our work and everything good that pertains to us. We bring your cross and your blood against the Coronavirus, against the spirit of Death and its domain, and against every foul spirit, power and device of the Enemy. Thank you Jesus for sending us your angels to build a hedge of protection around us and our loved ones, and thank you for the peace, good health, work and supply of all our needs during this time of national and international crisis.


Carlos A. Cedillo

 PS—If you know of anyone who could benefit from this timely prayer, please pass it on.