Saturday, April 25, 2020

Introduction to End-Time Episodes - ETE1


Introduction to End-Time Episodes

We live in a wonderful world of great personal accomplishments, careers, material wealth, and enjoy lives of stability and steady employment. But at the dawn of 2020 all this changed with the cataclysmic arrival of COVID-19. In a matter of weeks the status quo of our lives was been uprooted and we find ourselves forced to adapt to the brutal changes that have invaded every sphere of personal life, education, financial and social activities.

Stock markets have crashed, schools have closed with no hope of reopening anytime soon, and we're seeing the highest levels of unemployment since the great depression. Lock-downs have been imposed for entire cities and in some places families are under house confinement. Basic supplies like hand sanitizer, toilet paper and paper towels have become extremely scarce in some areas and several food items are missing at the supermarket, the empty shelves giving a stark message of the acute shortages.

Coronavirus Phantom---the Invisible Adversary

On a par with the physical illness impact of COVID-19, we see that it has a dark shadow which I call the Coronavirus Phantom, and it’s this invisible adversary that is wreaking havoc on people’s minds and emotions. It comes at us via the news media with sledge hammer blows of fear, worry, anxiety, dread and horror. It’s become apparent that our walls of money, houses, relationships and things cannot protect us from these attacks on our minds, our hearts and our very lives. The only one who can help us, and probably the one we’d almost forgotten about, is God.

I believe the Coronavirus crisis will begin to ease up and eventually we will all be able to resume our lives, but perhaps things will not be as well or sweet as the former. There will be a noticeable residue left in the wake of the pandemic. As the smoke of the vile COVID-19 begins to lift, people will ask if this series of dreadful events are a red-flag indicator of the biblical tribulations described in Revelation. The Coronavirus is high on the scale of what could be considered a bonafide tribulation as described in the book of Revelation. However I don’t think it’s the main thrust of the tribulation woes that are predicted. There are several phases of woes, troubles and tribulation in chapters six, seven and eight of this end time book, and they can be categorized as those imposed upon mankind by wicked rulers and governments; and those that God brings down upon certain peoples and their leaders as his righteous judgements for their evil treatment, deprivation and killing of the innocent.

There'll Be a Brighter Future in a New Tomorrow

In this series which I’ve called End-Time Episodes, I hope to give a running documentation and presentation of articles on the COVID-19 pandemic, its arrival and it's effect on our work, our economy and our lives. The main purpose will be to elucidate and give understanding of the vile phenomena that has invaded our world, and most important, to impart the hope of God and his encouragement to lift our hearts, and to know that though we walk through the dark valley of the Coronavirus, we need not fear or worry for God is with us and there will be a new tomorrow with brighter hope of a future for us and our children.

Prayer of Salvation:
Dear God, I know that neither things nor people can save me from the Coronavirus pandemic and its death angel. So I look to you now for your help and salvation. I know I’m a sinner and have made many decisions that have hurt you and others. I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son and that he died so that all my sins can be forgiven, and that you raised him to life so that he could come and offer us salvation, and after our time on earth he could give us a new life with no expiration date. Jesus I ask now that you forgive me for all my sins and that you will grant me your sweet eternal life. I want to follow you as best I can from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will from day to day. I ask this in your name Jesus, amen.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Carlos A. Cedillo

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