Sunday, April 12, 2020



Today I woke up with bitter/sweet feelings. Bitter because of the Coronavirus, and sweet because it’s Easter Sunday. But actually, the contrast with COVID-19 is making this Easter all the sweeter.

The Easter resurrection was the beginning of a wonderful new life for Jesus. Death could not hold him down as he burst through the tomb that Sunday morning, and the beauty of it was its loving promise; we too will have a resurrection and a new life; an exciting new existence with no expiration date.

So Coronavirus, even though you’ve hit us with your biggest and baddest physical and psychological weapons, you haven’t even made a dent in God’s resurrection power to revive all the things you’ve tried to kill and destroy in our lives.

How like dying this whole pandemic experience has been. But now the wonderful thing is that this Easter we can come back to life, we can resurrect right alongside with Jesus. And some of us are already seeing areas of our lives take on new life; like having meals together, having family games and activities, enjoying quality time with our children, taking care of our gardens and planting new trees and flowers.

Closing thoughts:
Coronavirus or not, if I thought I was going to die, I would be worried. But with the resurrection of Jesus, death is no longer an option in my life.

I confirm the above with this word from Jesus: “I am the resurrection and the life, he that believes in me…shall never die.” (John 11: 25,26)

Happy Easter,
Carlos A. Cedillo
PS- If you know of anyone who could benefit from this timely message, please pass it on. You can access all my writings on the CORONAVIRUS on the link below:

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